java Programming Glossary: myview
Generics-Get and Put rule
Android: compass + distance in a listview position View convertView ViewGroup parent LinearLayout myView MyPOI item getItem position Location poiLocation item.getLocation.. distance Calculate distance to POI if convertView null myView new LinearLayout getContext String inflater Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE.. getContext .getSystemService inflater vi.inflate resource myView true else trainView LinearLayout convertView TextView distanceView..
Concise way of writing new DialogPreference classes? to use the getEditor method like so private MyCustomView myView @Override protected void onBindDialogView View view super.onBindDialogView.. view the view was created by my custom onCreateDialogView myView MyCustomView view SharedPreferences sharedPreferences getSharedPreferences.. SharedPreferences sharedPreferences getSharedPreferences myView.setValue1 sharedPreferences.getString myKey1 myDefaultValue1..
Selecting and Identifying element with JQuery to use it in Selenium 2 Java API
Android Face Detection setContentView R.layout.main setContentView new myView this private class myView extends View private int imageWidth.. R.layout.main setContentView new myView this private class myView extends View private int imageWidth imageHeight private int.. int numberOfFaceDetected Bitmap myBitmap public myView Context context super context TODO Auto generated constructor..
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus view class com.broken.keyboard.KeyboardTestActivity MyView android background #777777 android focusable true android focusableInTouchMode.. KeyboardTestActivity extends Activity public static class MyView extends View public void toggleKeyboard InputMethodManager getContext.. Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE .toggleSoftInput 0 0 public MyView Context context super context public MyView Context context..