java Programming Glossary: mytable
Is java.sql.Timestamp timezone specific? to_char sched_start_time 'yyyy mm dd hh24 mi ss' from myTable My DB server also running on the same timezone Asia Calcutta..
How to make a JTable non-editable Then use setModel method of your JTable. JTable myTable new JTable myTable.setModel new MyModel share improve this..
JTable horizontal scrollbar in Java the policy for the existence of scrollbars new JScrollPane myTable JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED..
Whats the best way to update a single record via SQL and obtain the id of the record that was updated? (Java/MSSQL) I'm using MSSQL so I can't use Oracles RowId update myTable set myCol 'foo' where itemId in select top 1 itemId from myTable.. set myCol 'foo' where itemId in select top 1 itemId from myTable If I was peforming an Insert I could use getGeneratedKeys to.. stmt conn.prepareStatement select top 1 myCol itemId from myTable ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE ResultSet..
Android - Sqlite database method undefined fot type void onCreate SQLiteDatabase db String query CREATE TABLE myTable _id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT name TEXT NOT NULL age..
Changing Swing JTable Cell Colors defModel new DefaultTableModel data cols JTable myTable new JTable defModel myTable.setDefaultRenderer Object.class.. data cols JTable myTable new JTable defModel myTable.setDefaultRenderer Object.class myRenderer frame.add myTable.. Object.class myRenderer frame.add myTable frame.pack frame.setVisible true public static String getTableCols..
Changing JTable cell color class MyClass public static void main String args JTable myTable new JTable 10 10 myTable.setDefaultRenderer I dont know what.. void main String args JTable myTable new JTable 10 10 myTable.setDefaultRenderer I dont know what to put here new CustomRenderer.. I.e. if your data consist all of strings you can put myTable.setDefaultRenderer String.class new CustomRenderer If your data..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] public Cursor getTestData try String sql SELECT FROM myTable Cursor mCur mDb.rawQuery sql null if mCur null mCur.moveToNext..
Insert CLOB into Oracle database CLOB s I want to have a query like this INSERT ALL INTO mytable VALUES 'clob1' INTO mytable VALUES 'clob2' some of these clobs.. like this INSERT ALL INTO mytable VALUES 'clob1' INTO mytable VALUES 'clob2' some of these clobs are more than 4000 characters..... some of these clobs are more than 4000 characters... INTO mytable VALUES 'clob3' SELECT FROM dual When I try it with actual values..
What does Statement.setFetchSize(nSize) method really do? i am doing this like String SQL select col1 col2 coln from mytable where timecol yesterday Statement.executeQuery SQL but the problem..
fireTableRowsUpdated() Not work after update done in JTable [closed] dbUrl jdbc mysql localhost mydb String query Select from mytable ArrayList String cols new ArrayList String ArrayList ArrayList.. modelRow Object nameID Object newName String query update mytable set name ' newName ' where id nameID Connection conn PreparedStatement..
How to get a tables columns arraylist on Android? is a simpler way Cursor ti db.rawQuery PRAGMA table_info mytable null if ti.moveToFirst do System.out.println col ti.getString..
How to get a value from the last inserted row? improve this question PostgresSQL RETURNING INSERT INTO mytable field_1 field_2 ... VALUES value_1 value_2 RETURNING anyfield..
PLSQL JDBC: How to get last row ID? of this SQL server snippet BEGIN TRAN INSERT INTO mytable content VALUES test assume there's an ID column that is autoincrement.. with a RETURNING clause String sql BEGIN INSERT INTO mytable id content VALUES seq_mytable.NEXTVAL RETURNING id INTO END.. String sql BEGIN INSERT INTO mytable id content VALUES seq_mytable.NEXTVAL RETURNING id INTO END Connection connection null CallableStatement..