java Programming Glossary: myth
What is the reason for these PMD rules? a local object not used outside of the method Or is that a myth MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal Parameter 'param' is not assigned.. variable in order to assist the garbage collector is a myth. PMD is letting you know this is just counter productive clutter...
Java Array is stored in stack or heap? due to some well intentioned person propagating the myth that primitives always live on the stack . This is untrue. Local.. Foo f new Foo ... Now where does f.value live The myth would suggest it's on the stack but actually it's part of the..
Performance comparison of array of arrays vs multidimensional arrays are found. So I guess the first question is is this a myth or is this an advice worth following Assuming that it's the..
Null check in Java Else blah blah Is there any reasons or this is another myth Thanks for help. java share improve this question This..
How to create a directory in Java?
Does it help GC to null local variables in Java but is harmless otherwise. My question is where does this myth about helping GC come from I was referred to Java memory books.. it in more depth Is there possibility this is not a myth but really helps somehow If so how May nulling local variables..
Is ++i really faster than i++ in for-loops in java? but I'm fairly certain they will be the same. The myth came from C where i was regarded as faster than i because the..
Why are interface method invocations slower than concrete invocations? share improve this question There are many performance myths and some were probably true several years ago and some might.. it on a class so they were contributing to spreading the myth it's also possible that it was slower on the Dalvik VM before..