java Programming Glossary: mvcmodel
Using a JFileChooser with Swing GUI classes and listeners createAndShowGui MvcView view new ShowTextView Show Text MvcModel model new ShowTextModel ShowTextControl control new ShowTextControl.. new Runnable public void run createAndShowGui MvcModel interface import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener public interface.. import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener public interface MvcModel static final String TEXT text static final String STATUS STATUS..
How to work with swing with multiple classes create the model view control and connect them together MvcModel model new MvcModel MvcView view new MvcView model MvcControl.. view control and connect them together MvcModel model new MvcModel MvcView view new MvcView model MvcControl control new MvcControl.. holds the main GUI and its components public MvcView MvcModel model add a property change listener to the model to listen..