java Programming Glossary: mutual
Distributed Lock Service distributed lock service would you use Requirements are A mutual exclusion lock that can be seen from different processes machines..
How to programmatically set the SSLContext of a JAX-WS client?
Mutual-authentication with web services which users can access web services over HTTPS using the mutual authentication required by the server. First off are there any..
Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions? able to write that AB D but for a while I was chasing down mutual exclusion contradictions in Unicode properties which I think..
Are static variables shared between threads? effects as entering and exiting monitors but do not entail mutual exclusion locking. A call to start on a thread happens before..
User authenticate in SOAP - How to? the best way and how to implement it Remember that I want mutual certificate plus a user token. java soap jax ws ws security..
Synchronization and System.out.println will intersperse as you describe then you must enforce mutual exclusion manually for example public void safePrintln String..