java Programming Glossary: mutability
.clone() or Arrays.copyOf()? or Arrays.copyOf In an effort to reduce mutability should we rather use public void setValues String newVals this.vals.. null null Arrays.copyOf newVals newVals.length java immutability share improve this question I ran a quick test for performance..
Why is the Java date API (java.util.Date, .Calendar) such a mess? comment with the original quote source if you know. As for mutability a lot of the early JDK classes suffer from it Point Rectangle..
Any simple way to explain why I cannot do List<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<Dog>()? [duplicate] to note that this restriction is there due to the mutability of the list. In Scala for example you can declare that a list..
Modern alternatives to Java [closed] functional features on collections. It does not embrace immutability. I have narrowed my search down to two JVM based alternatives.. of the language. Clojure's collections are optimized for immutability. They rarely require copy on write semantics. I don't know if.. since it discourages but does not prohibit simple mutability. One could argue that one off utilities do not have to be super..
Why shouldn't I use immutable POJOs instead of JavaBeans? Immutable objects are also recommended in Item 15 Minimize mutability Effective Java 2ed . If I have an object Person implemented.. for immutable POJOs gets more popular over time java immutability javabeans pojo share improve this question Prefer JavaBeans..
Java final modifier used before. Can make objects shallowly immutable Object mutability is about whether observable state may change. As such declaring.. deep knowledge of the class semantics. To be clear the mutability of variables fields is a well defined concept in the context.. in the context of the JLS. It is just the concept of mutability of objects that is undefined from the perspective of the JLS...
Why doesn't java.lang.Number implement Comparable? does not implement Comparable is rooted in mutability concerns. For a bit of review java.lang.Number is the abstract.. java.lang.Number was initially implemented. Apart from mutability there are probably other considerations here too. A compareTo..