java Programming Glossary: mpg
Playing media files using JAVA filter2 new FileNameExtensionFilter .mpg mpg FileNameExtensionFilter filter3 new FileNameExtensionFilter.. filter2 new FileNameExtensionFilter .mpg mpg FileNameExtensionFilter filter3 new FileNameExtensionFilter.. filter11 new FileNameExtensionFilter Music Videos wav mp3 mpg mp4 avi flv wmv 3gp swf mkv flac VOB FileNameExtensionFilter..
What is the point of setters and getters in java? int restart 1 double miles 0 milesTotal 0 gas 0 gasTotal 0 mpg 0 Scanner input new Scanner public void testCalculate.. input gas gas input.nextDouble gasTotal gasTotal gas mpg miles gas System.out.printf MPG .2f mpg System.out.print nContinue.. gasTotal gas mpg miles gas System.out.printf MPG .2f mpg System.out.print nContinue 1 yes 2 no restart input.nextInt..
Java: when to use static methods Car you might have a method double convertMpgToKpl double mpg which would be static because one might want to know what 35mpg.. would be static because one might want to know what 35mpg converts to even if nobody has ever built a Car. But void setMileage.. if nobody has ever built a Car. But void setMileage double mpg which sets the efficiency of one particular Car can't be static..