

java Programming Glossary: mouseinfo.getpointerinfo

Dynamically update tooltip currently displayed


Progress progress Point locationOnScreen MouseInfo.getPointerInfo .getLocation Point locationOnComponent new Point locationOnScreen..

Getting RGB value from under mouse cursor


GridBagLayout add label robot new Robot PointerInfo pi MouseInfo.getPointerInfo updateColor pi.getLocation MouseMonitor monitor new MouseMonitor.. protected Point getMouseCursorPoint PointerInfo pi MouseInfo.getPointerInfo return pi.getLocation @Override public void run lastPoint..

Get Mouse Position


Thank you java mouse share improve this question MouseInfo.getPointerInfo .getLocation might be helpful. It returns a Point object corresponding..

Java - repainting JPanel gives an error


Graphics g super.paintComponent g PointerInfo a MouseInfo.getPointerInfo Point b a.getLocation int x int b.getX int y int b.getY g.fillRect..

Creating a dot/pixel outside of a JFrame, any location on the screen


protected void paintComponent Graphics g Point2D pnt MouseInfo.getPointerInfo .getLocation if g instanceof Graphics2D colors 1 new Color..

Can Java see activity of my keyboard?


void main String args while true System.out.println MouseInfo.getPointerInfo .getLocation For capturing sysem wide what you need for word..

how to obtain mouse click coordinates outside my window in Java


void eventDispatched AWTEvent event System.out.print MouseInfo.getPointerInfo .getLocation System.out.println event Clicking outside of..

Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics


Graphics g if isdone isdone false int step 40 Point p MouseInfo.getPointerInfo .getLocation Graphics2D gc this.image.createGraphics try .. Ran ticker runCount times final Point p MouseInfo.getPointerInfo .getLocation Rectangle rect new Rectangle p.x 4 p.y 4 8 8 ..

Restrict multiple instances of an application in java


true frame.setAlwaysOnTop false Point location MouseInfo.getPointerInfo .getLocation Point locationOnScreen frame.getLocationOnScreen..