

java Programming Glossary: movement

Updating JButton on a timer in a do-while loop


character's progress. In the current state of things the movement is correct but the JButton is only updated when the character.. actorList.get selectedActor .getPosition int movementValue 0 int destination terrainTile int destinationX destination.. 10 if actorList.get selectedActor .getCurrentAP 0 movementValue 0 if destinationX currentX movementValue 10 if destinationX..

Custom List Field click event


1 highlight false amount consume one unit of movement else moving from bottom to top if _star.isFocus we were on.. highlight true amount consume one unit of movement return amount protected boolean touchEvent net.rim.device.api.ui.TouchEvent..

Change the angle/position of a drawing with a algorithm in Java


paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g pacman movement diameter 75 pacman.drawPacMan g getHorPlaats getVerPlaats diameter.. g getHorPlaats getVerPlaats diameter Color.yellow ghosts movement int g1x for g1x 0 g1x 10 g1x pacman.drawGhost g g1x 40 diameter..

FullScreen Swing Components Fail to Receive Keyboard Input on Java 7 on Mac OS X Mountain Lion


JDK 7 and noticed a glaring issue while in that mode mouse movement and clicks work fine but keyboard input is not delivered to..

Java rectangle collision detection confusion


162 if I reach the top buckyPositionY 10 stops any further movement in that direction down if input.isKeyDown Input.KEY_DOWN bucky..

Get Mouse Position


Mouse Position I would like to simulate a natural mouse movement in Java going from here to there pixel by pixel . To do that..

How to move an image (animation)?


the x axis without the keyboard yet . How can I relate the movement animation to the boat.png and not to any other image public..

Problems with Java's Paint method, ridiculous refresh velocity


it works the craft velocity is a lot of slow so the movement is ugly and clumsy. I use the method repaint for refresh the..

Java KeyListener stutters


any additional tasks... For examples... Java object movement Using keypad to move a circle at angles in java Problems with..

Does Java have Pointers?


references however still point to that object despite its movement within memory. So they're not like C references pointing directly..

Convert to PDF/A and check compliance under Linux [closed]


making sure spaces are present instead of only horizontal movement commands. To sum it all up I think you are better off placing..

diff tool that recognizes block movement


tool that recognizes block movement I'm searching for a diff tool that is able to compare 2 files.. tool that is able to compare 2 files and detect code block movement. I'm currently programming in Java using Netbeans. While using..

How to approach number guessing game(with a twist) algorithm?


. Would that make it easier to solve Because within a 5 movement and certain fruit value changes only a few combo's are probable..

Collision Detection with MANY objects


the color buffer around your character or only in the movement direction to determine if an obstacle is close. share improve..

Android sidebar like facebook or firefox [duplicate]


view.scrollTo newOffset 0 The endOffset is the target movement. I set it before I start the animation and the View I want to..