java Programming Glossary: minflater.inflate
Reusing views in Android Listview with 2 different layouts if getItemViewType position 0 convertView mInflater.inflate R.layout.listview_item_product_complete null else convertView.. null else convertView mInflater.inflate R.layout.listview_item_product_inprocess null etc etc... Watch..
Android: EfficientAdapter with two different Views new ViewHolder if listRow ListRow.SEPARATOR convertView mInflater.inflate R.layout.taxonomy_list_separator null holder.separatorText TextView.. Resource convertView.getResources else convertView mInflater.inflate R.layout.taxonomy_listitem null TextView convertView.findViewById..
Dynamic ListView in Android app constructed row views... if null convertView convertView mInflater.inflate R.layout.custom_row null holder new ViewHolder convertView convertView.setTag..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour the view supplied by ListView is null. if view null view mInflater.inflate mViewId null call own implementation holder createHolder view.. if convertView null convertView.getTag null convertView mInflater.inflate R.layout.officeslistitemlayout null holder new ViewHolder ..
Custom SimpleAdapter only shows Sample Text Android getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE row mInflater.inflate R.layout.mylistlayout parent false row.setBackgroundColor 0xFF0000FF..