java Programming Glossary: mixing
Parse String to Date Java share improve this question You seem to be mixing the patterns for z and Z . If you ignore the FLE Daylight Time..
Fragment add or replace not working improve this question The problem here is that you're mixing and . You..
Cannot convert current canvas data into image in java from java.awt.Canvas add you're adding it to a JFrame mixing heavy and light weight components is never a good idea. public..
Getting RGB value from under mouse cursor Defined_Color java swing awt cursor position mixing share improve this question As @Hovercraft has pointed out...
How does one instantiate an array of maps in Java? Generics gotchas for a detailed explanation of why mixing arrays with generics is discouraged. Update As mentioned by..
java drag and drop this question The major issues I can see are you are mixing two different API's. You're using both the low level D'n'D API..
Xml configuration versus Annotation based configuration one silver bullet to kill XML configuration. I recommend mixing the two For instance if using Spring it is entirely intuitive..
partial classes/partial class file codes. See also Separation of logic and UI oo question mixing controller logic and business logic Why is good UI design so..
Logging framework incompatibility slf4j logback share improve this question You are mixing the 1.5.6 version of the jcl bridge with the 1.6.0 version of..
Guidelines on Exception propagation (in Java) throwing the exception. In other words attempt to minimize mixing exception handling with error handling. Either log the exception..
How can we match a^n b^n with Java regex? time making both possessive would also work though perhaps mixing mandatory and non mandatory possessive quantifier in the same..
Calling Java from Python tutorial http onyame mixing python and java import jpype jpype.startJVM path to jvm.dll..
How do you customize how JAXB generates plural method names? This has been answered by Blaise. However I prefer not mixing concerns such as JAXB customizations in an XML schema. So for..
Is JDK “upward” or “backward” compatible?
AES Encryption in Java and Decryption in C# this question Your code has one big problem It is mixing the character encodings In Java you are calling key.getBytes..
Handcode GUI or use gui-designer tool because its behavior is mixed with its appearance and mixing layout and behavior often makes the class very large and difficult..
Using Scala traits with implemented methods in Java Scala works... That being said it is easy to imagine how mixing in multiple traits works underneath trait Trait1 def ping trait.. traits overriding same method Now it's easy to imagine how mixing in multiple traits overriding same method trait Trait def bar..
Why GWT? Advantages and Trade-Offs of Using This RIA Framework to the pre 2.0 way that forced you to do this in Java . Mixing HTML and GWT's Widgets has never been so easy and fun working..
Hibernate Annotation Placement Question you use property access the field if you use field access. Mixing EJB3 annotations in both fields and methods should be avoided...
What is the difference between swing and awt? Swing itself handles your widgets' layout and stacking. Mixing AWT and Swing is highly unsupported and can lead to ridiculous..
Mixing JSF tags with JSTL tags gives strange results JSF tags with JSTL tags gives strange results I have this piece..
Android: Mixing multiple AudioTrack instances? Mixing multiple AudioTrack instances I need to run two instances of..
How can I make this JButton visible? When I have progressive scan background JWindow()? works but it appears to be incompatible with Swing due to Mixing Heavyweight and Lightweight Components . Although awt components..
Using Scala traits with implemented methods in Java Foo extend it. It simply delegates to it by passing this . Mixing in multiple traits To continue the digression on how Scala works.....
cyclical generics (try 2) player java generics share improve this question Mixing generics and raw types isn't going to work. If you need these..