

java Programming Glossary: mindiff

Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails


sizes null return null Camera.Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight h Try to find an size match.. continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight.. size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight Cannot find the one match..

rotating coordinate plane for data and text in Java


myDiffs double maxDiff Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY double minDiff Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY double maxPlot DataPanel ArrayList.. u maxDiff maxDiff myDiffs.get u if myDiffs.get u minDiff minDiff myDiffs.get u void getMaxPlotVal maxPlot maxDiff maxPlot.. u maxDiff maxDiff myDiffs.get u if myDiffs.get u minDiff minDiff myDiffs.get u void getMaxPlotVal maxPlot maxDiff maxPlot 1 make..