java Programming Glossary: methods..
Unable to get multiple Table entities through Stored procedure using hibernate via its session's 'doWork' and 'doReturningWork' methods... A simple example could be List Object res session.doReturningWork..
Generate WSDL from java class\source msisdn superPassword As you see it's just a proxy methods... So i want to avoid doing same work twice and generate WSDL..
How can I implement an abstract singleton class in Java? A getInstance return instance of my abstract methods... And here is the concrete implementation public class B extends.. B static instance new B ...implementations of my abstract methods... Unfortunately I can't get the static code in class B to execute..
How to implement PriorityBlockingQueue with ThreadPoolExecutor and custom tasks In BaseThreadPoolExecutor class i override the 3 submit methods... The constructor in this class gets called but none of the submit..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method what I have done and I don't find the translation of some methods... This is the HttpClient 3.x I have done and the HttpClient 4.x..
What are the benefits of the Iterator interface in Java? necessarily a Collection in the Object sense . Why are the methods... not directly coded to the data structure implementation itself..