

java Programming Glossary: messing

Managing DLL dependencies with Maven


of the reference to the relevant JAR file but I'm left messing around with the DLL file myself. Is there a good way of having..

How do I build/run this simple Mahout program without getting exceptions?


org.help.SeqPrep edit Ok now I can do it without messing with my hadoop installation. I was updating the .jar wrong in..

Tracking down cause of Spring's “not eligible for auto-proxying”


not eligible for auto proxying&rdquo When you start messing around with Spring's auto proxy stuff you often run into this..

Jar Mismatch Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list


path to no success. Step #1 Undo all that. If you are messing with the build path on R16 or higher version of the ADT plugin..

JLayeredPane with a JDialog


on the screen. Unless you have VERY good reason to be messing with this component I would suggest you avoid it as 1 It's possible..

where can I get the latest JRE / JDK as a zip file, I mean, no exe installer [closed]


from sun just will just unzip the whole thing without messing around with the registry environment variables etc... edit found..

Netty vs Apache MINA


it gives you state in a single line of code. With no messing around no session maps synchronization and stuff like that we..

Equivalent function to C's “_getch()” in Java?


function to C's &ldquo _getch &rdquo in Java I was messing around with C C and recently found the _getch function. I also..

Override Java System.currentTimeMillis for testing time sensitive code


this question I strongly recommend that instead of messing with the system clock you bite the bullet and refactor that..

Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall?


apparently they are all way above my head. I've even tried messing with the official Facebook Android SDK but that uses a webview..

Change private static final field using Java reflection


setAccessible to only œlegitimate uses Has examples of messing with Integer 's cache mutating a String etc Caveats Extreme..

Java - Creating an array of methods


area node as a method within the appropriate class. What's messing with me is the code to move from one node to another. Because..

Java: how to do double-buffering in Swing?


access to the current offline buffer so that I can start messing with the BufferedImage's underlying pixel databuffer I took..

Managing webapp session data/controller flow for multiple tabs


somebody will forget to do this and instead use tabs thus messing up their data. Adding some verifications that detect that another..

Automatically convert Style Sheets to inline style


that use global style sheets without their style sheets messing up the rest of my web page. I also would like to send the resulting..

Why typical Array List implementations aren't double-ended?


Hibernate: “Field 'id' doesn't have a default value”


id 20L . Could anyone shed some light EDIT 2 confirmed messing with @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.XXX doesn't solve..



the next method which now realizes that someone has been messing with the list and fires the exception. Hope that clears your..

Whats the best way to recursively reverse a string in Java?


way to recursively reverse a string in Java I have been messing around with recursion today. Often a programming technique that..