java Programming Glossary: invalidate
Custom List Field click event public int moveFocus int amount int status int time this.invalidate this.getSelectedIndex return super.moveFocus amount status time.. super.onFocus direction protected void onUnFocus this.invalidate this.getSelectedIndex public void refresh this.getManager .invalidate.. public void refresh this.getManager .invalidate public void drawListRow ListField listField Graphics graphics..
Java ball object doesn't bounce off of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to. actionPerformed ActionEvent e ball.move getBounds world invalidate repaint timer.setRepeats true timer.setCoalesce true timer.start..
Java Applet Game 2D Window Scrolling getWidth partyPoint.x map.getWidth party.getWidth 2 1 invalidate else if view.x party.getWidth 2 viewPort.x xDelta if viewPort.x.. 0 viewPort.x 0 partyPoint.x party.getWidth 2 invalidate System.out.println view getHeight if view.y getHeight party.getHeight.. partyPoint.y map.getHeight party.getHeight 2 1 invalidate else if view.y party.getHeight 2 viewPort.y yDelta if viewPort.y..
Prevent multiple login using the same user name and password session logins.remove this if session null session.invalidate logins.put this event.getSession @Override public void valueUnbound.. any previously logged in user from the logins map and invalidate the session. When you logout the User as follows request.getSession..
How to invalidate an user session when he logs twice with the same credentials to invalidate an user session when he logs twice with the same credentials.. session logins.remove this if session null session.invalidate logins.put this event.getSession @Override public void valueUnbound.. any previously logged in user from the logins map and invalidate the session. When you logout the User as follows sessionMap.remove..
question on GWT, Cookies and webpage directing user has just logged out. The server should then delete invalidate the token. It should do this regardless of the Remember me option..
JPanel in puzzle game not updating
Implementing back/forward buttons in Swing home_panel public void change_display JPanel myPanel invalidate remove currentPanel previousPanels.push currentPanel currentPanel.. public void previous_display if previousPanels.empty invalidate remove currentPanel forwardPanels.push currentPanel currentPanel.. public void forward_display if forwardPanels.empty invalidate remove currentPanel previousPanels.push currentPanel currentPanel..
Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger point.x event.getX point.y event.getY points.add point invalidate Log.d TAG point point return true return super.onTouchEvent..
Difference between validate(), revalidate() and invalidate() in Swing GUI between validate revalidate and invalidate in Swing GUI Swing components have multiple methods related.. related to updates of screen layout in particular validate invalidate revalidate The Java documentation defines these somewhat from.. this question Just IMHO. Not sure it's 100 correct. invalidate marks the container as invalid. Means the content is somehow..