java Programming Glossary: integerlist
Get generic type of java.util.List List String stringList new ArrayList String List Integer integerList new ArrayList Integer Is there a easy way to retrieve the generic.. List String stringList new ArrayList String List Integer integerList new ArrayList Integer public static void main String... args.. stringListClass class java.lang.String. Field integerListField Test.class.getDeclaredField integerList ParameterizedType..
When to use primitive and when reference types in Java int intList new ArrayList int Not allowed. List Integer integerList new ArrayList Integer Allowed. And in many cases I will take..
Bounding generics with 'super' keyword What you're trying to propose is that given List Integer integerList and given this hypothetical super bound on toArray S super T.. the compiler should only allow the following to compile integerList.toArray new Integer 0 works fine integerList.toArray new Number.. to compile integerList.toArray new Integer 0 works fine integerList.toArray new Number 0 works fine integerList.toArray new Object..
java.util.ConcurrentModificationException RemoveListElementDemo private static final List Integer integerList static integerList new ArrayList Integer integerList.add 1 integerList.add.. private static final List Integer integerList static integerList new ArrayList Integer integerList.add 1 integerList.add 2 integerList.add.. integerList static integerList new ArrayList Integer integerList.add 1 integerList.add 2 integerList.add 3 public static void..