

java Programming Glossary: intent.putextra

Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp)


intent.setAction android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED intent.putExtra pdus new Object pdu intent.putExtra format 3gpp context.startService.. intent.putExtra pdus new Object pdu intent.putExtra format 3gpp context.startService intent private static byte..

Sending data from service to activity


messages Intent intent new Intent MOVEMENT_UPDATE intent.putExtra ACCELERATION_X accelerationX intent.putExtra ACCELERATION_Y.. intent.putExtra ACCELERATION_X accelerationX intent.putExtra ACCELERATION_Y accelerationY intent.putExtra ACCELERATION_Z.. accelerationX intent.putExtra ACCELERATION_Y accelerationY intent.putExtra ACCELERATION_Z accelerationZ sendBroadcast intent And this are..

How do I output the location using gps on Android


method stub Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.putExtra sms_body ad intent.setType vnd.android dir mms sms startActivity..

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


Intent intent new Intent this DownloadService.class intent.putExtra url url of the file to download intent.putExtra receiver new.. intent.putExtra url url of the file to download intent.putExtra receiver new DownloadReceiver new Handler startService intent..

Android - What's the best way to share data between activities?


intent new Intent FirstActivity.this SecondActivity.class intent.putExtra some_key value intent.putExtra some_other_key a value startActivity.. SecondActivity.class intent.putExtra some_key value intent.putExtra some_other_key a value startActivity intent On the second activity..

Speech to Text on Android


intent new Intent RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH intent.putExtra RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL RecognizerIntent.LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM.. RecognizerIntent.LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM intent.putExtra RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE com.domain.app SpeechRecognizer..

Android getIntent().getExtras() returns null


userID ... intent new Intent .setClass this Games.class intent.putExtra userID userID spec tabHost.newTabSpec games .setIndicator Games..

Android: ClassNotFoundException when passing serializable object to Activity


intent new Intent CurrentActivity.this MyActivity.class intent.putExtra nameOfMyObject obj CurrentActivity.this.startActivity intent..

Email from internal storage


text plain ... Uri uri Uri.fromFile new File xmlFilename intent.putExtra android.content.Intent.EXTRA_STREAM uri startActivity Intent.createChooser..

Android\Intent: Send an email with attachment [duplicate]


new Intent Intent.ACTION_SEND intent.setType text plain intent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL new String email@example.com intent.putExtra.. Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL new String email@example.com intent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT subject here intent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TEXT.. intent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT subject here intent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TEXT body text File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..

how to return value to parameter in between getintent and putintents


intent.putCharSequenceArrayListExtra list pl.getList intent.putExtra name product.getName intent.putExtra serving size product.getServingSize.. list pl.getList intent.putExtra name product.getName intent.putExtra serving size product.getServingSize intent.putExtra calories.. intent.putExtra serving size product.getServingSize intent.putExtra calories product.getCalories intent.putExtra fat product.getFat..