

java Programming Glossary: integer.class

JTable: sorting by Integer


if columnIndex 2 return String.class else return Integer.class And here the code to create the table by the model 'Personal_model'.. getColumnClass int colNum switch colNum case 0 return Integer.class case 1 return Double.class case 2 return Long.class case 3..

What is the difference between bounded wildcard and type parameters?


first declaration Collection Integer c1 getThatCollection Integer.class Collection Double c2 getThatCollection Double.class The second.. Invalid statements Collection Integer c1 getThatCollection Integer.class invalid Collection Double c2 getThatCollection Double.class.. statements Collection extends Number c3 getThatCollection Integer.class valid Collection extends Number c4 getThatCollection Double.class..

Why should I care that Java doesn't have reified generics?


do with it public T void foo List T l if l.getGenericType Integer.class yeah baby err what now EDIT A quick update to this as the answers..

How do I identify immutable objects in Java


Class Arrays.asList String.class Byte.class Short.class Integer.class Long.class Float.class Double.class Boolean.class BigInteger.class.. Long.class Float.class Double.class Boolean.class BigInteger.class BigDecimal.class ... public static boolean isImmutable Object..

Avoiding instanceof in Java


a few lines would do. Sometimes I make a HashMap mapping Integer.class to an instance of IntegerStuff BigDecimal.class to an instance..

Java map with values limited by key's type parameter


Favorites f.setFavorite String.class Java f.setFavorite Integer.class 0xcafebabe String s f.getFavorite String.class int i f.getFavorite.. String s f.getFavorite String.class int i f.getFavorite Integer.class From Effective Java 2nd edition and this presentation . share..

problem formatting fields in a JTable - differences between Integer and Double


private String columnNames ID description Class types Integer.class String.class Object types Double.class String.class private.. stub new TableExample If you try to change Class types Integer.class String.class with Class types Double.class String.class you.. Boolean Double String Boolean Date private Class types Integer.class String.class String.class String.class String.class String.class..

refreshing background color for a row in jtable


getColumnClass int colNum switch colNum case 0 return Integer.class case 1 return Double.class case 2 return Boolean.class ..

Determining if an Object is of primitive type


String.class System.out.println isWrapperType Integer.class private static final Set Class WRAPPER_TYPES getWrapperTypes.. ret.add Byte.class ret.add Short.class ret.add Integer.class ret.add Long.class ret.add Float.class ret.add Double.class..

JTable row hightlighter based on value from TableCell


String.class case 6 return Double.class case 7 return Integer.class return null table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize table.getPreferredSize..

How to add checkboxes to JTABLE swing [closed]


String.class case 1 return String.class case 2 return Integer.class case 3 return Double.class default return Boolean.class..

How to mark JTable cell input as invalid?


public Class getColumnClass int columnIndex return Integer.class Then whenever a user tries to enter a double value into the..

Changing JTable cell color


several times for each class type BigDecimal.class or Integer.class in each case . And finally to change the background color you..