java Programming Glossary: ins
What does OSGi solve? Each plugin depends on both specific jars that it contains and also other specific versioned plug ins. Because of the versioning.. that it contains and also other specific versioned plug ins. Because of the versioning and isolated classloaders different..
Easiest way to upgrade eclipse 3.7 to 4.2 (Juno) 3.7 to 4.2 Juno So since Eclipse juno is based on 4.2 instead of 3.7 what is the easiest way to upgrade to it short of.. of 3.7 what is the easiest way to upgrade to it short of installing a separate copy of juno and re installing all my existing.. to it short of installing a separate copy of juno and re installing all my existing plugins from 3.7 into it There doesnt..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException null ctype else ctype ctype.toLowerCase if ctype.contains AUDIO_MPEG ctype.equals String temp urlConn.getHeaderField.. DOWNFILE preparecounter FileInputStream ins new FileInputStream f mp1.setDataSource ins.getFD mp1.setAudioStreamType.. ins new FileInputStream f mp1.setDataSource ins.getFD mp1.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC playing..
how to add blank page in digitally signed pdf using java? blank page in digitally signed pdf using java I want to insert blank page at end of the digitally PDF using itext library.. is not allowed. Even though not explicitly mentioned here instantiating page templates most likely also is allowed whenever.. templates most likely also is allowed whenever form fill ins are allowed as that would conform to the PDF standard cf. ISO..
How to Use Eclipse to Debug JNI code (Java & C/C++) the other is currently unmaintained. Are there any plug ins that bring mixed mode debugging functionality to Eclipse in..
How do I automatically export a WAR after Java build in Eclipse? J2EE standard tools JST and Web Standard Tools WST plug ins installed in my Eclipse environment. java eclipse deployment.. standard tools JST and Web Standard Tools WST plug ins installed in my Eclipse environment. java eclipse deployment war.. invoke that Ant script on each build automatically and inside the Eclipse environment . Use Project Properties Builders..
using IVY dependencies manager programmatically as dependencies manager my application need to load plug ins at RUN TIME means while the core application is running user.. is running user can request for a new plug in and install them i wish to manage all installed plug ins using the core.. for a new plug in and install them i wish to manage all installed plug ins using the core application DB. i want to get..
how to compile & run java program in another java program? Laj private static void printLines String name InputStream ins throws Exception String line null BufferedReader in new BufferedReader.. BufferedReader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader ins while line in.readLine null System.out.println name line private..
rotating coordinate plane for data and text in Java import java.util. class DataPanel extends JPanel Insets ins holds the panel's insets ArrayList Double myDiffs double maxDiff.. DataPanel extends JPanel Insets ins holds the panel's insets ArrayList Double myDiffs double maxDiff Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.. and about text int height getHeight int width getWidth ins getInsets Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g FontMetrics fontMetrics..
Resources.openRawResource() issue Android code snippet to read the db file data. InputStream ins getResources .openRawResource R.raw.my_db_file ByteArrayOutputStream.. a local byte buffer. byte buffer new byte 1024 while size buffer 0 1024 0 outputStream.write buffer 0 size ins.close.. buffer 0 1024 0 outputStream.write buffer 0 size ins.close buffer outputStream.toByteArray A copy of your file should..
Slick2D and JBox2D. How to draw x 1524 y 1268 . Note that the sprite in our world is not inside that camera's view area. That means when we render the camera's.. camera's view on the screen we won't see the sprite. If instead the camera moved to 200 200 then the view area of the camera.. our example and check to see if the sprite's position is inside the rectangle of the camera's view which is the position..