

java Programming Glossary: inputstream.close

PDF to byte array and vice versa


byteArray inputStreamToString.getBytes inputStream.close catch FileNotFoundException e System.out.println File Not.. return readFully inputStream finally if inputStream null inputStream.close Don't mix up text and binary data it only leads to tears. ..

How To Read/Write String From A File In Android


null stringBuilder.append receiveString inputStream.close ret stringBuilder.toString catch FileNotFoundException e Log.e..

Printing a Java InputStream from a Process


bufferedReader.readLine null System.out.println line inputStream.close bufferedReader.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace..

Android - Set ImageView to URL


inputStream finally if inputStream null inputStream.close entity.consumeContent catch Exception e You Could provide..

Java API for KML (JAK) embedding images in kmz files


try IOUtils.copy inputStream zipOutputStream finally inputStream.close Use ZIP compression to package a KML file and its supplementary..

Overcomplicated oracle jdbc BLOB handling


1 outputStream.write buffer 0 byteread outputStream.close inputStream.close There are some webpages where the authors suggest using a simpler.. 1 outputStream.write buffer 0 byteread outputStream.close inputStream.close ps.setInt 1 100 ps.setBlob 2 blob ps.executeUpdate ps.close..