java Programming Glossary: enforces
Why does this() and super() have to be the first statement in a constructor? the compiler allows this. Enforcing super to appear first enforces that constructor bodies are executed in the correct order which..
Lazy/Eager loading strategies in remoting cases (JPA) and drop the benefit of an ORM. A DTO Virtual Proxy layer enforces more complexity and makes code harder to maintain Wormhole antipattern..
How can I make an interface instance method accept arguments of the same class only, really? T The original idiom does buy you something. It enforces that the compared object must implement IComparable . The less..
EventListenerList firing order a guarantee. The chaining approach suggested by pstanton enforces the correct order more reliably. For example the SubPanel 's..
Why would I use Scala/Lift over Java/Spring? separation. In contrast regular use of Spring for webapps enforces a strong separation between the view and everything else. I..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 was due to a 100 second timeout limit because Yahoo enforces that time limit on user written scripts . However when I measured..
Why only 1 public class in Java file The Java designers chose a strict approach that enforces their idea of good design practices and this is part of that..
How do you have the code pause for a couple of seconds in android? on the UI thread you are doing it wrong. Android enforces this with the Application not responding or ANR error that the..
In Java, when should I create a checked exception, and when should it be a runtime exception? [duplicate] between the caller and the called. Since the compiler enforces the types of parameters that are passed in it seems symmetrical..
Checkstyle “Method Not Designed For Extension” error being incorrectly issued? classes are designed for extension. More specifically it enforces a programming style where superclasses provide empty hooks that..
How to atomically rename a file in Java, even if the dest file already exists? e Linux by defualt uses voluntary locking while Windows enforces it. Maybe you could detect the OS and use renameTo under UNIX..
Java window contents resize, but not beyond a minimum size add new CustomComponents BorderLayout.EAST pack enforces the minimum size of both frame and component setMinimumSize..
Drawing rectangles on a JPanel public void display add new CustomComponents pack enforces the minimum size of both frame and component setMinimumSize..
How to create a custom validator in Play Framework 2.0? named @AllUpperCase which takes no parameters but enforces the validation defined previously. Providing details related..
Collection Alternative - ConcurrentModificationException I'm iterating over a JRE Collection which enforces the fail fast iterator concept. Problem is I need to remove..
How can you run Javascript using Rhino for Java in a sandbox? is quite weak. Otherwise you need to provide an API that enforces your restrictions. Edit I should point out that the version..