

java Programming Glossary: dword

Why does Java switch on ordinal ints appear to run faster with added cases?


rdx int # sp 0x20 sp of caller 0x00000000024f0160 mov DWORD PTR rsp 0x6000 eax no_reloc 0x00000000024f0167 push rbp 0x00000000024f0168.. 0x10 0x00000000024f01cf pop rbp 0x00000000024f01d0 test DWORD PTR rip 0xfffffffffdf3fe2a eax # 0x0000000000430000 poll_return.. rdx int # sp 0x20 sp of caller 0x000000000287fe20 mov DWORD PTR rsp 0x6000 eax no_reloc 0x000000000287fe27 push rbp 0x000000000287fe28..

identify file system format of a disk type in java like ntfs, fat16/32 or ext


import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORD import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference import com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary.. lpRootPathName __out LPTSTR lpVolumeNameBuffer __in DWORD nVolumeNameSize __out_opt LPDWORD lpVolumeSerialNumber __out_opt.. lpVolumeNameBuffer __in DWORD nVolumeNameSize __out_opt LPDWORD lpVolumeSerialNumber __out_opt LPDWORD lpMaximumComponentLength..

Why are compiled Java class files smaller than C compiled files?


and here is ready to execute machine code 00000000 mov dword ptr esp 3000h eax 00000007 push ebp 00000008 mov ebp esp 0000000a.. edi 00000026 mov ebx esi 00000028 sub ebx edi 0000002a mov dword ptr esp ebx 0000002d mov dword ptr ebp 8h ebx 00000030 mov dword.. sub ebx edi 0000002a mov dword ptr esp ebx 0000002d mov dword ptr ebp 8h ebx 00000030 mov dword ptr ebp 4h esi 00000033 call..