

java Programming Glossary: dversion

Managing DLL dependencies with Maven


Dfile footron.dll DgroupId com.foo DartifactId footron Dversion 4.2 Dpackaging dll DgeneratePom true Haven't done this for DLLs..

Find Oracle JDBC driver in Maven repository


install file DgroupId com.oracle DartifactId ojdbc14 Dversion Dpackaging jar Dfile ojdbc.jar DgeneratePom true..

Maven: How to include jars, which are not available in reps into a J2EE project?


Dfile ojdbc14.jar DgroupId com.oracle DartifactId ojdbc14 Dversion 10.2.0 Dpackaging jar You can then reference the dependencies..

Maven: add a dependency to a jar by relative path


path to file DgroupId myGroup DartifactId myArtifactId Dversion myVersion Dpackaging myPackaging DlocalRepositoryPath path.. path to file DgroupId myGroup DartifactId myArtifactId Dversion myVersion Dpackaging myPackaging DlocalRepositoryPath path..

Maven archetype for simple Servlet application


generate DgroupId com.acme DartifactId my webapp Dversion 1.0 SNAPSHOT DarchetypeArtifactId maven archetype webapp DinteractiveMode..

Having a 3rd party jar included in Maven shaded jar without adding it to local repository


file Dfile my jar .jar DgroupId dummy DartifactId dummy Dversion 0.0.0 Dpackaging jar DlocalRepositoryPath `pwd` repo Not sure..

Add a dependency in Maven


com.stackoverflow... DartifactId yourartifactid... Dversion 1.0 Dpackaging jar Dfile path to jarfile You can also deploy..

How to install jars in maven repository which is eclipse embedded?


DgroupId foo.in.shop.rest.wadl DartifactId WadlGenerator Dversion 1.0 Dpackaging jar DlocalRepositoryPath C maven repositories..

Create a standalone application with maven


generate DgroupId com.yourapp.app DartifactId swingapp Dversion 1.0 SNAPSHOT 2 Then add the following entry to your pom file..