java Programming Glossary: docflavor
Print text File to specific printer in java textStream textStream new FileInputStream FILE_NAME DocFlavor flavor DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE Doc mydoc new SimpleDoc.. textStream new FileInputStream FILE_NAME DocFlavor flavor DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE Doc mydoc new SimpleDoc textStream flavor..
Printing Data in Java ffne ffne.printStackTrace if psStream null return DocFlavor psInFormat DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE Doc myDoc new SimpleDoc.. if psStream null return DocFlavor psInFormat DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE Doc myDoc new SimpleDoc psStream psInFormat..
How to print strings with line breaks in java String printerName PrintService ps null DocFlavor doc_flavor DocFlavor.STRING.TEXT_PLAIN PrintRequestAttributeSet.. printerName PrintService ps null DocFlavor doc_flavor DocFlavor.STRING.TEXT_PLAIN PrintRequestAttributeSet attr_set new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet..
Print to specific printer (IPP URI) in Java type of document using something like the following DocFlavor flavor DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.POSTSCRIPT PrintRequestAttributeSet.. using something like the following DocFlavor flavor DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.POSTSCRIPT PrintRequestAttributeSet aset new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet.. new BufferedInputStream new FileInputStream image.epl DocFlavor flavor DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE Doc myDoc new SimpleDoc..
Extended printer information in Java extends Attribute category supportedAttributeCategories DocFlavor flavors printService.getSupportedDocFlavors for DocFlavor flavor.. DocFlavor flavors printService.getSupportedDocFlavors for DocFlavor flavor flavors Object supportedAttributeValues.. DocFlavor flavors printService.getSupportedDocFlavors for DocFlavor flavor flavors Object supportedAttributeValues printService.getSupportedAttributeValues..