

java Programming Glossary: doe

How to implement auto complete functionality in a cell in JTable?


data Kathy Smith Snowboarding new Integer 5 false John Doe Rowing new Integer 3 true Sue Black Knitting new Integer 2 false..

When it comes to regex, what is the difference between `Greedy` and `Reluctant` quantifiers?


over the . red 1 The aaa a a 1 a 2 aa a a 1 2 aaa Mr. Doe John ^ Mrs . . b . 1 John ^ Mrs . . b . 1 Doe John share improve..

Add items to List in Request Scoped Bean


new ArrayList Child c new Child John Doe client.getChildrenList .add c Everytime the Add Child button.. the bean is recreated and the view only shows one John Doe child due to it being Request scoped I believe . Is there another..

TableCellRenderer and how to refresh Cell background without using JTable.repaint()


Object data Kathy Smith Item 1 new Integer 5 false John Doe Item 1 new Integer 3 true Sue Black Item 3 new Integer 2 false.. Object data Kathy Smith Item 1 new Integer 5 false John Doe Item 1 new Integer 3 true Sue Black Item 3 new Integer 2 false.. Object data Kathy Smith Item 1 new Integer 5 false John Doe Item 1 new Integer 3 true Sue Black Item 3 new Integer 2 false..

Internal implementation of java.util.HashMap and HashSet


to calculate equals and hashcode . Now we create John Doe with his mobile phone number and map him to his favorite Donut.. number and we change the phone number field of the John Doe object. This results in a new hashcode. And this hashcode resolves.. table index which usually isn't the position where John Does' favorite Donut shop was stored. The problem is clear In this..

JPA/Hibernate bulk(batch) insert


use bulk insert for Site objects. User user new User John Doe user.getSites .add new Site google.com user user.getSites .add.. Site object id auto generation User user new User John Doe user.getSites .add new Site 1 google.com user user.getSites..

Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app?


JSONObject param new JSONObject param.put name John Doe param.put age 47 JSONObject result sendJsonRequest server 80..

Efficient way to do batch INSERTS with JDBC


INTO employees VALUES ps.setString 1 John ps.setString 2 Doe ps.addBatch ps.clearParameters ps.setString 1 Dave ps.setString..

How to serialize and de-serialize objects using JAXB?


studentA new com.home.Student studentA.setName Jane Doe studentA.setStatus com.home.Status.FULL_TIME JAXBContext contextA..

Hibernate Annotations - Which is better, field or property access?


null return generateFunnyNick this.name else return John Doe Besides if you throw another libs into the mix like some JSON..

Individual and not continuous JTable's cell selection


Smith Snowboarding new Integer 5 new Boolean false John Doe Rowing new Integer 3 new Boolean true Sue Black Knitting..

How to center a string using String.format?


format Real Gagnon System.out.format format John D Doe String ex John F. Kennedy System.out.format String.format format.. ex output FirstName Init. LastName Real Gagnon John D Doe John F. Kennedy I want the output to be centered. If I do..