java Programming Glossary: discussions
What can be done with 'PermGen out of space' exception in Tomcat-Spring-Hibernate web application? and Hibernate forums but it doesn't help. There is many discussions about this error but for each solution there are people that..
Immutability and reordering An important conclusion I drew from public and private discussions with members of the concurrency interest mailing list i.e. people..
Is it feasible to create a REST client with Flex? this question The problem here is that a lot of the web discussions around this issue are a year or more old. I'm working through..
What is the correct way of overriding hashCode () and equals () methods of persistent entity? of its fields. So I'd like to see some links to related discussions or to hear your experience of solving this problem. Thanks ..
Are there inline functions in java?
Importing external .jar file to Android project [duplicate] nothing seems to work. Any other ideas UPDATE The discussions I've had with the author of the first answer below suggest that..
Difference between double… and double[] in formal parameter type declaration that this is also how arrays are referred to in the above discussions e.g. T int etc. Related questions Is there any difference between..
James Gosling's explanation of why Java's byte is signed why he decided that byte is signed Has there been notable discussions debates about this issue in the past between authoritative programming..
Why would I use a templating engine? jsp include and jstl vs tiles, freemarker, velocity, sitemesh a matter of this discussion there are enough questions and discussions about it. This is an interesting read but can't quite convince..
How to get facet ranges in solr results? letting Solr guess the best facet ranges. Here are some discussions on the topic http Re faceted browsing p3753053.html..
How to add resources to classpath everything to be bundled up in a jar even though there are discussions about it going on. To make a real distribution bundle I'd have..
Java generics and array initialization no matter how hard you try and if anyone knows of any good discussions on the relative merits demerits of the issue please post I'd..
Java Generics questions functionally if that's not a naughty word for OO discussions . Before generics you had good old concrete classes like Vector...
The JPA hashCode() / equals() dilemma JPA hashCode equals dilemma There have been some discussions here about JPA entities and which hashCode equals implementation.. So I'll keep the question open and hope for some more discussions and or opinions. java hibernate jpa identity eclipselink ..
How expensive are Exceptions [duplicate] exception throwing and handling in java is We had several discussions about the real cost of exceptions in our team. Some avoid them..
Should I use EJB3 or Spring for my business layer? a new service oriented product with a web front end. In discussions about what technologies we will use we have settled on running..
How are SSL certificate server names resolved/Can I add alternative names using keytool? most specific in RFC 2818 isn't clearly defined see discussions in RFC 6215 . If you're using keytool as of Java 7 keytool has..
Code for changing the color of subtasks in Gantt Chart dataset and renderer. In different forums I found some discussions related to this topic but I did not find a clear simple working..
Convert from byte array to hex string in java alternatives I mean the alternative code offered in the discussions. Performance is equivalent to Commons Codec which uses very..