java Programming Glossary: dis
How to reset default launcher/home screen replacement? com.mypackage com.mypackage.LauncherAlias2 int dis PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED if pm.getComponentEnabledSetting.. if pm.getComponentEnabledSetting cn1 dis dis 3 dis pm.setComponentEnabledSetting cn1 dis PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP.. if pm.getComponentEnabledSetting cn1 dis dis 3 dis pm.setComponentEnabledSetting cn1 dis PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP..
how to send an array of bytes over a TCP connection (java programming) class InputStream in socket.getInputStream DataInputStream dis new DataInputStream in int len dis.readInt byte data new byte.. DataInputStream dis new DataInputStream in int len dis.readInt byte data new byte len if len 0 dis.readFully data return..
Getting a File's MD5 Checksum in Java Files.newInputStream Paths.get file.txt DigestInputStream dis new DigestInputStream is md Read stream to EOF as normal.....
Regexp Java for password validation For a regex of this length and for this purpose I would dis recommend doing it that way as it has no real benefits. share..
Fast compression in Java? args 0 final File file new File filename DataInputStream dis new DataInputStream new FileInputStream file byte bytes new.. FileInputStream file byte bytes new byte int file.length dis.readFully bytes test bytes false for int i 0 i 5 i test bytes..
Access resource files in Android fis null BufferedInputStream bis null DataInputStream dis null try fis new FileInputStream file bis new BufferedInputStream.. new FileInputStream file bis new BufferedInputStream fis dis new DataInputStream bis while dis.available 0 Do something.. BufferedInputStream fis dis new DataInputStream bis while dis.available 0 Do something with file Log.d GAME dis.readLine..
Hashmap implementation to count the occurences of each character file new FileInputStream D trial.txt DataInputStream dis new DataInputStream file BufferedReader br new BufferedReader.. BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader dis String Contents String str while Contents br.readLine null ..
Android: Mixing multiple AudioTrack instances? bis new BufferedInputStream is DataInputStream dis new DataInputStream bis Read the file into the music array... bis Read the file into the music array. int i 0 while dis.available 0 music i dis.readShort i Close the input streams... the music array. int i 0 while dis.available 0 music i dis.readShort i Close the input streams. dis.close Create a new..
Embed .swf file to my Jframe isLoop return loop public void setPlayOnStart boolean dis playOnStart dis public void setIsLoop boolean dis loop dis.. loop public void setPlayOnStart boolean dis playOnStart dis public void setIsLoop boolean dis loop dis Select a different.. boolean dis playOnStart dis public void setIsLoop boolean dis loop dis Select a different SWF file at remote url public..
Keeping the correct style on text retrieval I have two JTextPanes one where I'm writing and one that displays messages. This is the code that handles the transferring.. code that handles the transferring of text from input to display String input textPane.getText if input.endsWith n input.. if input.endsWith n input n StyledDocument doc displayPane.getStyledDocument int offset displayPane.getCaretPosition..