

java Programming Glossary: discuss

Why chose XML over properties files for Log4J configuration?


share improve this question There's an interesting discussion on the merits of both in this blog . The section below is.. question asked or the intention of the answer which is to discuss the merits or otherwise of using xml files to configure log4j...

What is the most misleading method in the Java Base API? [closed]


a string literal into a boolean but I'm just looking to discuss the API design. java methods naming conventions share improve..

Reusing views in Android Listview with 2 different layouts


null etc etc... Watch Android's Romain Guy discuss the view recycler at Google Talks. share improve this answer..

Why is “null” present in C# and java?


design engineer on the C# team now working at Google discuss on that subject on his blog 1st 2nd 3rd 4th . It seems that..

Java Instance Variables vs Local Variables


share improve this question I haven't seen anyone discuss this so I'll throw in more food for thought. The short answer.. results.add i return results This fixes every problem we discussed above. I know I'm not keeping track of counter or returning..

mocking a singleton class


singleton when using legacy code for example. So let's not discuss the good or bad about singleton there is another question for..

open source image processing lib in java


each with their own features and drawbacks. If you want to discuss your needs in more detail I can touch on the specific attributes..

Jboss Seam: Enabling Debug page on WebLogic 10.3.2 (11g)


outer EAR project containing the inner WAR project. They discuss that this may be related to how jars end up in the projects...

What are major differences between C# and Java?


which one is better that part I leave to someone else to discuss. I don't care about it. I've been asked this question on my..

Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java


EDIT You can download the full source for the function I discuss below. I also discuss it in more detail in this answer . The.. the full source for the function I discuss below. I also discuss it in more detail in this answer . The Problem The org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava..

How does this Java regex detect palindromes?


does some sort of counting has already been thoroughly discussed in the previous two parts. Two features are worth noting though.. of just looking ahead from our current position We'll discuss this in more detail later just think of it as a way to assert.. referencing with an optional specifier a technique already discussed in part 2 of the series. Needless to say group 2 is our counter..

Is there a more modern, OO version of “Let's Build a Compiler”?


working code at the end of each unit chapter with also discuss some theoretical stuff after exploring the ideas so the reader..

How can I create a JTextArea with a specified width and the smallest possible height required to display all the text?


the provided width. I've found some similar threads that discuss the oddities bugs involved with the JTextArea that are sometimes..

Java Swing or Java Qt? [closed]


extensive experience with both Qt and Java Swing please discuss whether you would use Swing or Qt under Java and why Secondly..

Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions?


EDIT The source code for the rewriting functions I discuss below is available here . UPDATE Sun ™s updated Pattern class..

The JPA hashCode() / equals() dilemma


JPA hashCode equals dilemma There have been some discussions here about JPA entities and which hashCode equals implementation.. if not all of them depend on Hibernate but I'd like to discuss them JPA implementation neutrally I am using EclipseLink by.. So I'll keep the question open and hope for some more discussions and or opinions. java hibernate jpa identity eclipselink..

The MVC pattern and SWING


been through quite a few of the posts at this site which discuss the pattern but I still do not feel that i have a clear understanding..

How expensive are Exceptions [duplicate]


exception throwing and handling in java is We had several discussions about the real cost of exceptions in our team. Some avoid.. isSoAndSo log A Message return goOnAgain I don't want to discuss code aesthetic or anything it's just about runtime behaviour..

Why is super.super.method(); not allowed in Java?


getting a compiler error. I just had the idea and like to discuss it. java superclass share improve this question It violates..