

java Programming Glossary: clipping

Android getOrientation() method returns bad results


GL10 gl gl.glPushMatrix gl.glClearColor 0 0 0 1.0f clipping backdrop color clear the color buffer to show the ClearColor..

AffineTransform.rotate() - how do I xlate, rotate, and scale at the same time?


xPos yPos side side if this square intersects the clipping rectangle we're drawing then we'll draw the square and the..

Custom button not working on mac (ButtonUI)


of 47 while linux has 0. This 47 seems to feed into the clipping regions as well. Where could that be getting set java osx swing..

How do I combine/merge two wav files into one wav file?


the sound will clip. There was a discussion about the clipping issue here and you may want to try one of those clipping techniques...

Java: how to do fast copy of a BufferedImage's pixels? (unit test included)


dst.getRGB x y else assertEquals COL2 dst.getRGB x y clipping is unnecessary private static void copySrcIntoDstAt final BufferedImage..

Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics


at once rather than one at a time I've introduced smart clipping only what needs to be redrawn is redrawn. I've fixed up threading..

How to “correctly” detect DPI of display with Java?


Graphics g Rectangle drawHere g.getClipBounds Fill clipping area with blue gray. g.setColor rule_color g.fillRect drawHere.x.. end 0 int start 0 int tickLength 0 String text null Use clipping bounds to calculate first tick and last tick location. if orientation..

How to make a rounded corner image in Java


This is what we want but it only does hard clipping i.e. aliasing g2.setClip new RoundRectangle2D ... so instead.. g2.setClip new RoundRectangle2D ... so instead fake soft clipping by first drawing the desired clip shape in fully opaque white..

Basic render 3D perspective projection onto 2D screen with camera (without opengl)


zFar 100 int width 640 height 480 ... Without screen clipping or much of anything else how would I calculate the screen x.. aspect Ratio of height to width. znear zfar used for clipping I'll ignore these. and the matrix generated is column major..