

java Programming Glossary: btn

How can I set the priority mouse listener


DragTest extends JFrame private boolean drag private Point btnCoord private Point startPoint public DragTest setDefaultCloseOperation.. void mouseDragged MouseEvent e if drag panel.setLocation btnCoord.x startPoint.x e.getX btnCoord.y startPoint.y e.getY .. if drag panel.setLocation btnCoord.x startPoint.x e.getX btnCoord.y startPoint.y e.getY panel.addMouseListener new MouseAdapter..

Connect JButtons visually via line


g2d.dispose protected void buttonClicked JButton btn if lastSelected null lastSelected btn else connections.add.. JButton btn if lastSelected null lastSelected btn else connections.add new JButton lastSelected btn lastSelected.. btn else connections.add new JButton lastSelected btn lastSelected null revalidate repaint public class DotsPane..

Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically


LinearLayout.VERTICAL for int r 0 r 6 r Button btn new Button this btn.setText A LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp new.. for int r 0 r 6 r Button btn new Button this btn.setText A LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp new LinearLayout.LayoutParams.. is critical. Doesn't work without it. buttonsView.addView btn lp ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp new ViewGroup.LayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..

Android - Sqlite database method undefined fot type


FirstName VARCHAR Country VARCHAR Age INT 3 Button btn Button findViewById R.id.confirm btn.setOnClickListener new.. Age INT 3 Button btn Button findViewById R.id.confirm btn.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void..

Why does setSelected on JCheckBox lose effect?


JOptionPane.OK_OPTION field1.setText SELECTED OK btn else if returnVal JOptionPane.NO_OPTION field1.setText SELECTED.. JOptionPane.NO_OPTION field1.setText SELECTED NO btn else if returnVal JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION field1.setText.. JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION field1.setText SELECTED Cancel btn else if returnVal JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION field1.setText..

Simple ActionListener within a 2D array of JButtons


public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e JToggleButton btn JToggleButton e.getSource System.out.println clicked column.. e.getSource System.out.println clicked column btn.getClientProperty column row btn.getClientProperty row EDIT.. clicked column btn.getClientProperty column row btn.getClientProperty row EDIT for MinerCraft clone isn't required..