

java Programming Glossary: broader

how binding attribute in JSF works


bean then the backing bean should absolutely not be in a broader scope than the request scope because otherwise components are..

Interface naming in Java [closed]


guess my question boils down to Is it worth following the broader Interface naming convention especially in light of where Java..

Method overriding and exceptions


method must NOT throw checked exceptions that are new or broader than those declared by the overridden method. For example a..

Why learn Perl, Python, Ruby if the company is using C++, C# or Java as the application language? [closed]


Aside from the obvious that the employee will have broader view the employers are usually looking for some real benefit...

Why does the java.util.Set<V> interface not provide a get(Object o) method?


... Note that this API has value broader that within Set. As to the question itself I don't have any..

Java library to compare image similarity


in C if I read correctly while this one offers links to broader approaches one being in C . I would suggest starting with the..