

java Programming Glossary: box.createverticalstrut

Positioning of components (how to place a few buttons center screen same size)


with this. create a vertical space of 20px inside.add Box.createVerticalStrut 20 JLabel title new JLabel THE TITLE inside.add title inside.add.. title new JLabel THE TITLE inside.add title inside.add Box.createVerticalStrut 20 JButton btt1 new JButton BUTTON ONE create a new dimension.. ready we put them in the panel. inside.add btt1 inside.add Box.createVerticalStrut 5 inside.add btt2 inside.add box.createVerticalStrut 5 inside.add..

BoxLayout ignores setYAlighment


0.5f label.setBorder new EmptyBorder 0 20 0 20 p.add Box.createVerticalStrut 36 p.add label p.add Box.createVerticalStrut 144 return p public.. 20 0 20 p.add Box.createVerticalStrut 36 p.add label p.add Box.createVerticalStrut 144 return p public static void main String args EventQueue.invokeLater..

How to correct/center GridLayout using standard Java layout managers?


using Box.createVerticalGlue . This example uses Box.createVerticalStrut top and bottom. The spacers are described in How to Use BoxLayout..