

java Programming Glossary: bounds.y

non resizable window border and positioning


frame1.getBounds frame2.setLocation bounds.x bounds.width bounds.y frame2.setVisible true Am I doing something wrong or is this..

Java ball object doesn't bounce off of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to.


to the approriate edge so we don't get caught... if isTop bounds.y collision.y bounds.height else bounds.y collision.y collision.height.. if isTop bounds.y collision.y bounds.height else bounds.y collision.y collision.height Now I only have a single obstacle.. collision Rectangle bounds getBounds bounds.x dx bounds.y dy if bounds.x 0 bounds.x 0 dx 1 if bounds.y 0 bounds.y..

How to make line animation smoother?


bounds.x canvasBounds.x canvasBounds.width bounds.width 2 bounds.y canvasBounds.y canvasBounds.height bounds.height 2 dx getRandomNumber.. update AnimationCanvas canvas float progress bounds.x dx bounds.y dy Rectangle canvasBounds canvas.getBounds if bounds.x bounds.width.. canvasBounds.x canvasBounds.width bounds.width dx 1 if bounds.y bounds.height canvasBounds.y canvasBounds.height bounds.y canvasBounds.y..

JTable how to change BackGround Color


0 getColumnHeader .getHeight g2.drawImage shadow bounds.x bounds.y y h null g2.scale 1 1 g2.drawImage shadow bounds.x bounds.y.. y h null g2.scale 1 1 g2.drawImage shadow bounds.x bounds.y bounds.height h y null g2.dispose g.drawImage img 0 0 null .. .getHeight g2.drawImage shadowBottom bounds.x bounds.y y h null g2.scale 1 1 g2.drawImage shadowBottom bounds.x bounds.y..

Passing current Date


0 getColumnHeader .getHeight g2.drawImage shadow bounds.x bounds.y y h null g2.scale 1 1 g2.drawImage shadow bounds.x bounds.y.. y h null g2.scale 1 1 g2.drawImage shadow bounds.x bounds.y bounds.height h y null g2.dispose g.drawImage img 0 0 null..