java Programming Glossary: bounds.width
Change screen resolution in Java g.setColor COLORS i g.fillRect 0 0 bounds.width bounds.height g.dispose try Thread.sleep..
non resizable window border and positioning bounds frame1.getBounds frame2.setLocation bounds.x bounds.width bounds.y frame2.setVisible true Am I doing something wrong or..
Java ball object doesn't bounce off of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to. so we don't get caught... if isLeft bounds.x collision.x bounds.width else bounds.x collision.x collision.width We collided with.. 0 dx 1 if bounds.y 0 bounds.y 0 dy 1 if bounds.x bounds.width world.width bounds.x world.width bounds.width dx 1 if bounds.y.. if bounds.x bounds.width world.width bounds.x world.width bounds.width dx 1 if bounds.y bounds.height world.height bounds.y world.height..
How to make line animation smoother? bounds.x canvasBounds.x canvasBounds.width bounds.width 2 bounds.y canvasBounds.y canvasBounds.height bounds.height.. dy Rectangle canvasBounds canvas.getBounds if bounds.x bounds.width canvasBounds.x canvasBounds.width bounds.x canvasBounds.x canvasBounds.width.. bounds.x canvasBounds.x canvasBounds.width bounds.width dx 1 if bounds.y bounds.height canvasBounds.y canvasBounds.height..
Drawing 2 Balls to move in different direction on Java but one disappeared [closed] speed Rectangle bounds p.x speed if p.x radius bounds.x bounds.width speed 1 p.x bounds.x bounds.width radius speed else if p.x.. if p.x radius bounds.x bounds.width speed 1 p.x bounds.x bounds.width radius speed else if p.x bounds.x speed 1 p.x bounds.x speed..
Java make a directed line and make it move AffineTransform at new AffineTransform at.translate width bounds.width 2 height bounds.height 2 at.rotate Math.toRadians rotation bounds.width.. 2 height bounds.height 2 at.rotate Math.toRadians rotation bounds.width 2 bounds.height 2 Shape shape new Path2D.Float pointyThing at.. at new AffineTransform at.translate mouseEnd.x bounds.width 2 mouseEnd.y bounds.height 2 at.rotate Math.toRadians rotation..
How to implement draggable tab using Java Swing? the dragged tab to the buffer tabImage new BufferedImage bounds.width bounds.height BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB Graphics graphics.. tabImage.getGraphics graphics.drawImage totalImage 0 0 bounds.width bounds.height bounds.x bounds.y bounds.x bounds.width bounds.y.. 0 0 bounds.width bounds.height bounds.x bounds.y bounds.x bounds.width bounds.y bounds.height DraggableTabbedPane.this dragging true..
How to handle events from keyboard and mouse in full screen exclusive mode in java? render Graphics2D g g.setColor Color.BLACK g.fillRect 0 0 bounds.width bounds.height public void start timer.start public void stop..