

java Programming Glossary: borderfactory.createemptyborder

How to change highlighting color in Java Swing TextArea? And also, change the beginning of text corresponding to the highlighting location


contentPane.setBorder BorderFactory.createTitledBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 5 5 5 5 Highlighter JTextArea tarea new JTextArea 10 10 JScrollPane..

how to create own file with icon that inherit from JFrame icon, that I set it, in java and my own file use FileOutputStream and ObjectOutputStream


this.setLayout new GridLayout 0 1 5 5 this.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 5 5 5 5 this.add createLabel InternalFrame.closeIcon this.add..

Add a complex image in the panel, with buttons around it in one customized user interface


IOException e e.printStackTrace System.err Border border BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 11 11 11 11 setOpaque true setBorder border setFocusable true..

How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable


super new BorderLayout 0 5 setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 5 5 5 5 tableModel new MyTableModel table new JTable tableModel..

Java Container remove method not working correctly


radioPanel BoxLayout.Y_AXIS birdButton.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 5 5 5 5 result JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog null radioPanel..

JTable Calls Custom Cell Renderer Method… Continuously


TextAreaCellRenderer super setLineWrap true setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 2 2 2 2 @Override public Component getTableCellRendererComponent..

How to Change java Cardlayout from another separate class


JPanel contentPane new JPanel contentPane.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 5 5 5 5 contentPane.setLayout new CardLayout panel1 new MyPanel.. JPanel contentPane new JPanel contentPane.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 5 5 5 5 contentPane.setLayout new CardLayout panel1 new FirstCard.. private void initComponents setOpaque true setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 5 5 5 5 setBackground Color.RED setLayout new BorderLayout 5..

Using a JFileChooser with Swing GUI classes and listeners


buttonPanel.add exitButton mainPanel.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder GAP GAP GAP GAP mainPanel.setLayout new BorderLayout mainPanel.add..

SwingWorker not responding


JPanel contentPane new JPanel contentPane.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 5 5 5 5 contentPane.setLayout new BorderLayout 5 5 statusLabel..

Providing white space in a Swing GUI


JPanel new GridLayout 0 1 hGap vGap contentPane.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder hGap vGap hGap vGap borderPanel new JPanel new BorderLayout..

What does it mean: The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field?


new JScrollPane m_resultArea scrollingArea.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 10 5 10 5 Get the content pane set layout add to center Container..

dragging a jlabel around the screen


panelGrid 1 1 .add blueLabel backingPanel.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder GAP GAP GAP GAP setPreferredSize LAYERED_PANE_SIZE add backingPanel..

Highlights subString in the TableCell(s) which is using for JTable filetering


new BorderLayout 5 5 filterCpPanel.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 1 1 1 1 filterCpPanel.setBackground Color.LIGHT_GRAY filterCpPanel.setPreferredSize..

Adding multiple JProgressBar to TableColumn of JTable


public ProgressRenderer super setOpaque true b.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 1 1 1 1 @Override public Component getTableCellRendererComponent..

How to rendering fraction in Swing JComponents


this.setLayout new GridLayout N N N N this.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder N N N N for int r 0 r N r for int c 0 c N c this.add create..

How to allow introducing only digits in jTextField? [duplicate]


JPanel contentPane new JPanel contentPane.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder 5 5 5 5 tField new JTextField 10 AbstractDocument tField.getDocument..