java Programming Glossary: ax
Why volatile in java 5+ doesn't synchronize cached copies of variables with main memory? these are snippets . This printed error 0x021dd753 test eax 0x180100 poll 0x021dd759 cmp 0x0 ecx 0x021dd75c je 0x021dd748.. nop 0x021dd768 jmp 0x021dd7b8 no_reloc 0x021dd76d xchg ax ax 0x021dd770 jmp 0x021dd7d2 implicit exception dispatches to.. nop 0x021dd768 jmp 0x021dd7b8 no_reloc 0x021dd76d xchg ax ax 0x021dd770 jmp 0x021dd7d2 implicit exception dispatches to 0x021dd7c2..
Why does Java switch on ordinal ints appear to run faster with added cases? sp of caller 0x00000000024f0160 mov DWORD PTR rsp 0x6000 eax no_reloc 0x00000000024f0167 push rbp 0x00000000024f0168 sub.. 0x00000000024f01d0 test DWORD PTR rip 0xfffffffffdf3fe2a eax # 0x0000000000430000 poll_return 0x00000000024f01d6 ret With.. sp of caller 0x000000000287fe20 mov DWORD PTR rsp 0x6000 eax no_reloc 0x000000000287fe27 push rbp 0x000000000287fe28 sub..
Creating animated GIF with ImageIO? it would be greatly appreciated java animated gif javax.imageio share improve this question I ran across this question.. a small but non trivial amount of work to turn this thanks ax into a usable class so I thought I might share the code around..