

java Programming Glossary: arrays.fill

Custom HashMap Code Issue


String st2 keys new long capacity values new int capacity Arrays.fill keys NULL savenum capacity str1 st1 str2 st2 public void put..

Brute Force Algorithm w/Java Passing String Error


length this.min min this.max max current new char length Arrays.fill current min last new char length Arrays.fill last max @Override.. char length Arrays.fill current min last new char length Arrays.fill last max @Override public boolean hasNext return reachedLast..

clear screen option in java


user. char c ' n' int length 25 char chars new char length Arrays.fill chars c System.out.print String.valueOf chars share improve..

AES gets different results in iOS and Java


SAME RESULTS ON iOS and ANDROID final byte iv new byte 16 Arrays.fill iv byte 0x00 IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec new IvParameterSpec.. SAME RESULTS ON iOS and ANDROID final byte iv new byte 16 Arrays.fill iv byte 0x00 IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec new IvParameterSpec.. keyBytes new byte keyLength 8 explicitly fill with zeros Arrays.fill keyBytes byte 0x0 if password is shorter then key length it..

Add leading zeroes to number in Java?


variable length array of zeros char zeros new char digits Arrays.fill zeros '0' format number as String DecimalFormat df new DecimalFormat..

Java: how to do double-buffering in Swing?


optimized the array clearing code to not use a for loop. Arrays.fill pixels 0xFFFFFFFF would probably outperform your loop setting..

How can I ensure the destruction of a String object in Java?


0 chars.length chars System.out.println password erase it Arrays.fill chars ' 0' System.out.println password Edit For anyone thinking..

Levenshtein to Damerau-Levenshtein


H 1 j 1 j H 0 j 1 INFINITY int DA new int alphabetLength Arrays.fill DA 0 for int i 1 i a.length i int DB 0 for int j 1 j b.length..

Boolean[] vs. BitSet: Which is more efficient?


Specific BitSet methods are not used only get set clear Arrays.fill respectively for an array . java performance arrays bitsets..

C# equivalent to Java's Arrays.fill() method


equivalent to Java's Arrays.fill method I'm using the following statement in Java Arrays.fill.. method I'm using the following statement in Java Arrays.fill mynewArray oldArray.Length size 1 Please suggest the C# equivalent...

Enhanced for loop performance worse than traditional indexed lookup?


100 1000 1000 String stringArray new String testLength Arrays.fill stringArray a List String stringList new ArrayList String Arrays.asList..

Arrays.fill with multidimensional array in Java


with multidimensional array in Java How can I fill a multidimensional.. without using a loop I've tried double arr new double 20 4 Arrays.fill arr 0 This results in java.lang.ArrayStoreException java.lang.Double..

RowFilter.NumberFilter: can't handle “mixed” concrete number types


COLS public TableModel double v 0 for Object row matrix Arrays.fill row Double.valueOf v 0.25 @Override public int getRowCount..