java Programming Glossary: asc
How to get contacts in order of their upcoming birthdays? ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC return managedCursor java android sqlite android contentresolver..
Whats the best way to update a single record via SQL and obtain the id of the record that was updated? (Java/MSSQL) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_TEST_TABLE PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED id ASC WITH PAD_INDEX OFF STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE OFF IGNORE_DUP_KEY..
JTable + Sorting specific field of sorting for that particular column eg. after sorting in ASC order I get this 01 02 2012 01 03 2011 01 04 2011 01 05 2011.. new ArrayList SortKey sortKeys.add new SortKey 2 SortOrder.ASCENDING table.getRowSorter .setSortKeys sortKeys What should I..
AsyncTask keeps waiting? _wod_id null null null DatabaseConstants.EXERCISES_ID ASC return null @Override protected void onPostExecute Void result..
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC return managedQuery uri projection selection selectionArgs sortOrder..
Android - Update a contact ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC context.startManagingCursor c ArrayList Relation cList new ArrayList.. ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC context.startManagingCursor c if c.moveToNext r.setBook_id..