java Programming Glossary: adjust
Java Timer event in an application. However I want to be able to adjust the period at which the event fires in real time according to..
Add a complex image in the panel, with buttons around it in one customized user interface like below into the slavePanel and on top of that JPanel adjust the JButtons which looks like the image but having buttons correctly..
non resizable window border and positioning settings bounds on non resizable containers Suppose you adjust the bounds to look good on your platform. Suppose the user's..
calling a java method to draw graphics graphics to a frame. I would also like to be able to adjust what I'm drawing from my main method. For example setting a..
Android: Can't figure how to use setImeActionLabel to want a search button all you have to do is to slightly adjust your first line and use IME_ACTION_SEARCH mSearchInput.setImeOptions..
Countdowntimer in minutes and seconds findViewById new CountDownTimer 30000 1000 adjust the milli seconds here public void onTick long millisUntilFinished..
Auto adjust the height of rows in a JTable adjust the height of rows in a JTable In a JTable how can I make some..
Adding screen brightness controls to android application to android application I am looking to add controls to adjust screen brightness locally in my app menu but can't seem to figure..
Password strength checking library [closed] allowing the deployer to supply different dictionaries adjust weights of different criteria and so on extensible allowing.. allowing the deployer to supply different dictionaries adjust weights of different criteria and so on Partially yes to configurable..
Eclipse memory settings when getting “Java Heap Space” and “Out of Memory” Eclipse Tomcat and a JRE. While researching trying to adjust the memory settings I found three places to adjust these Eclipse.ini.. to adjust the memory settings I found three places to adjust these Eclipse.ini The JRE Settings under Window Preferences..
Adjust brightness and contrast of BufferedImage in Java images are really dim and I'd like to brighten them up and adjust the contrast a little. Something like BufferedImage image something.getImage..
Java : Read last n lines of a HUGE file even use what you learned from the last 660 characters to adjust that example if those 660 characters were just three lines the..
How to setSize of image using RescaleOp an example of using drawImage to resample and RescaleOp to adjust the alpha of an image. import java.awt.BorderLayout import java.awt.Dimension..
How do i align this text correctly? a simple example of rotating text. Addendum You'll want to adjust the the text's radial starting point by stringWidth name n ...
SSL handshake alert: unrecognized_name error since upgrade to Java 1.7.0 what I believe the same issue is. I found that I needed to adjust the Apache configuration to include a ServerName or ServerAlias..
Setting JVM heap size at runtime
Android: Adding ListView Sub Item Text
Full screen videoview without stretching the video @Override public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mp Adjust the size of the video so it fits on the screen int videoWidth.. MediaPlayer mp progressBarWait.setVisibility View.GONE Adjust the size of the video so it fits on the screen int videoWidth..
Drawing JTable rows and columns on a Panel i j System.out.println System.out.println Adjust the widths of all the columns in the table public void adjustColumns.. for int i 0 i tcm.getColumnCount i adjustColumn i Adjust the width of the specified column in the table public void adjustColumn.. i j System.out.println System.out.println Adjust the widths of all the columns in the table public void adjustColumns..
Android how to sort JSONArray of JSONObjects about the homogeneity of the data in your JSONArray. Adjust to your case if possible. Also you will need to add your exception..
Generic support for ISO 8601 format in Java 6 iso pos if parsed null pos.setIndex pos.getIndex 1 Adjust for ' ' return parsed Note that the subclassed SimpleDateFormat..
Connecting an input stream to an outputstream output throws IOException byte buffer new byte 1024 Adjust if you want int bytesRead while bytesRead buffer..
Make JPopupMenu Display with a Certain Bottom Left Coordinate of the menu... Dimension size popup.getPreferredSize Adjust the x position so that the left side of the popup appears at.. appears at the center of the component pos.x getWidth 2 Adjust the y position so that the y postion top corner is positioned.. of the menu... Dimension size popup.getPreferredSize Adjust the x position so that the left side of the popup appears at..
Adjust brightness and contrast of BufferedImage in Java brightness and contrast of BufferedImage in Java I'm processing..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? depending on the source you may need to check the Create Adjust Map tiles checkbox to force the tiles to be exported as PNGs..