java Programming Glossary: adhere
Modular web apps context. Most frameworks or approaches out there still adhere to the old way of thinking one WAR file representing your webapp..
Eclipse Java project folder organization a web application you would generally just have to adhere to its layering deployment conventions to be able to easily..
Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application approach work both on Windows and nix environments If you adhere the nix filesystem path rules e.g. path to images it will work..
When best to use an interface in java blueprint interface which 3rd party vendors have to fully adhere and implement. This way the endusers can just code against the..
Java Interfaces/Implementation naming convention [duplicate] proprietary naming schemes that most places don't even adhere to in a consistent manner. If all you can come up with to make..
How do servlets work? Instantiation, session variables and multithreading a contract a decent webbrowser and webserver has to adhere the client the webbrowser is required to send this cookie back..
How to internationalize a Java web application? Acceder The resource bundle filename should adhere the following pattern . The _ll part should..
What are the big improvements between guava and apache equivalent libraries? Guava are consistent across the library and the developers adhere to very good IMO API design principles having learned from past..
how to maintain variable cookies and sessions with jsoup? on the same domain. In that case you need to basically adhere the following flow Map String String cookies new HashMap String..
How to sort search results on multiple fields using a weighting function? is an example of the ScaledScoreDocComparator modified to adhere to ScoreDocComparator 's successor FieldComparator public class..
java object Serialization and inheritance a marker interface for a given class. But that class must adhere to certain rules http javase 1.5.0 docs api..
Why is String.length() a method? can license and implement Java differently as long as they adhere to the standard. By making the standard call for a field that..
Why do applets not need a main()? are determined by the standards those containers must adhere to. The designers of these standards chose not to call the entry..