java Programming Glossary: addnotify
Java - How to drag and drop JPanel with its components dragGestureHandler @Override public void addNotify super.addNotify if dgr null dragGestureHandler new DragGestureHandler.. dragGestureHandler @Override public void addNotify super.addNotify if dgr null dragGestureHandler new DragGestureHandler this.. dropHandler true Personally I initialise in the addNotify and dispose in the removeNotify dropTarget.removeDropTargetListener..
how to drag and drop files from a directory in java return dropTargetHandler @Override public void addNotify super.addNotify try getMyDropTarget .addDropTargetListener.. dropTargetHandler @Override public void addNotify super.addNotify try getMyDropTarget .addDropTargetListener getDropTargetHandler..
animation handling several cycle if timer.isRunning timer.start @Override public void addNotify super.addNotify timer.start @Override public void removeNotify.. timer.start @Override public void addNotify super.addNotify timer.start @Override public void removeNotify super.removeNotify..
AWT custom rendering - capture smooth resizes and eliminate resize flicker paint public void update Graphics g paint g public void addNotify super.addNotify createBufferStrategy 2 private synchronized.. void update Graphics g paint g public void addNotify super.addNotify createBufferStrategy 2 private synchronized void render BufferStrategy.. srtest.setVisible true public SmoothResize public void addNotify super.addNotify createBufferStrategy 2 @Override public Dimension..
Swing rate limiting if timer.isRunning timer.start @Override public void addNotify super.addNotify timer.start @Override public void removeNotify.. timer.start @Override public void addNotify super.addNotify timer.start @Override public void removeNotify super.removeNotify..
Why does the JTable header not appear in the image? without having been shown fake a all ready p.addNotify manually size to pref p.setSize p.getPreferredSize validate.. new File table.png Note Kleopatra's suggeston to use the addNotify on the panel will not work with ScreenImage. The addNotify method.. addNotify on the panel will not work with ScreenImage. The addNotify method makes the component displayable and the ScreenImage code..
Passing current Date if timer.isRunning timer.start @Override public void addNotify super.addNotify timer.start private void paintBackGround.. timer.start @Override public void addNotify super.addNotify timer.start private void paintBackGround Color g Graphics2D..
Layering multiple GlassPane's in a Root Container if timer.isRunning timer.start @Override public void addNotify super.addNotify timer.start @Override public void removeNotify.. timer.start @Override public void addNotify super.addNotify timer.start @Override public void removeNotify super.removeNotify.. if timer.isRunning timer.start @Override public void addNotify super.addNotify timer.start @Override public void removeNotify..
Put JTable in the JTree the complete configuration is done in the table's addNotify which happens only after adding the panel to the hierarchy ..