c++ Programming Glossary: vt_bstr
C++ plugin for Unity “EntryPointNotFoundExeption” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11619986/c-plugin-for-unity-entrypointnotfoundexeption clsObj Get L Description 0 vRet NULL NULL vRet.vt VT_BSTR std wcout L Description vRet.bstrVal endl ssMonitorDescription..
How do I call eval() in IE from C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18342200/how-do-i-call-eval-in-ie-from-c CComVariant L confirm 'See this ' result result.ChangeType VT_BSTR MessageBoxW V_BSTR result Feels even better than execScript.. this too ' CComBSTR L JavaScript result result.ChangeType VT_BSTR MessageBoxW V_BSTR result And it still discards the result as..
Add support to print & preview HTML in a dialog-based MFC app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18926793/add-support-to-print-preview-html-in-a-dialog-based-mfc-app VT_EMPTY __IE_ParentHWND VT_UINT __IE_HeaderString VT_BSTR __IE_FooterString VT_BSTR __IE_OutlookHeader VT_UNKNOWN __IE_BaseLineScale.. VT_UINT __IE_HeaderString VT_BSTR __IE_FooterString VT_BSTR __IE_OutlookHeader VT_UNKNOWN __IE_BaseLineScale VT_INT __IE_uPrintFlags.. VT_INT __IE_uPrintFlags VT_UINT __IE_ContentDocumentUrl VT_BSTR __IE_ContentSelectionUrl VT_BSTR __IE_PrinterCMD_Printer VT_BSTR..
How to retrieve the Interface ID of a COM class so that it can be passed to CoCreateInstance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2313432/how-to-retrieve-the-interface-id-of-a-com-class-so-that-it-can-be-passed-to-cocr Arguments pParams.cNamedArgs 0 pParams.rgvarg 0 .vt VT_BSTR pParams.rgvarg 0 .bstrVal SysAllocString L C Test.txt hResult..
How to get Excel cell value in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8619530/how-to-get-excel-cell-value-in-c pXlRange Get Range from Sheet VARIANT parm parm.vt VT_BSTR parm.bstrVal SysAllocString sOleText VARIANT result VariantInit..