c++ Programming Glossary: vsprintf
How to pass variable number of arguments to printf/sprintf http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1056411/how-to-pass-variable-number-of-arguments-to-printf-sprintf char dest 1024 16 va_list argptr va_start argptr format vsprintf dest format argptr va_end argptr printf dest This code is not.. buffer first please please please use vsnprintf instead of vsprintf . vsnprintf will prevent an accidental buffer overflow error...
__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) for MSVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2354784/attribute-formatprintf-1-2-for-msvc This is very helpful in the cases where I wrap e.g. the vsprintf function family. I can have extern void log_error const char..
ofstream doesn't write buffer to file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3279733/ofstream-doesnt-write-buffer-to-file fmt int n _vscprintf fmt varptr char buf new char n 1 vsprintf buf fmt varptr va_end varptr if m_filename.empty std ofstream.. fmt int n _vscprintf fmt varptr std vector char buf n 1 vsprintf buf 0 fmt varptr va_end varptr if m_filename.empty std ofstream..
How to wrap a function with variable length arguments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41400/how-to-wrap-a-function-with-variable-length-arguments vprintf if you are using variable argument lists. vprint vsprintf vfprintf etc. there are also 'safe' versions in Microsoft's..
Replacement for MS _vscprintf on MacOS/Linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4785381/replacement-for-ms-vscprintf-on-macos-linux args length after formatting std string s s.resize size vsprintf s 0 ... Now as _vscprintf is Microsoft specific and I haven't..