c++ Programming Glossary: vec3b
OpenCV rgb value for cv::Point in cv::Mat http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4747920/opencv-rgb-value-for-cvpoint-in-cvmat cv Mat3b image imread filename cv Point point 23 42 cv Vec3b template template 0 128 template 1 12 template 2 64 const cv.. template 0 128 template 1 12 template 2 64 const cv Vec3b bgr image point if bgr 0 template 0 bgr 1 template 1 bgr 2 template..
how to convert an opencv cv::Mat to qimage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5026965/how-to-convert-an-opencv-cvmat-to-qimage QImage Format_ARGB32 for int y 0 y src.rows y const cv Vec3b srcrow src y QRgb destrow QRgb dest.scanLine y for int x 0..
OpenCV get pixel information from Mat image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7899108/opencv-get-pixel-information-from-mat-image do this for int i 0 i foo.rows i for int j 0 j foo.cols j Vec3b bgrPixel foo.at Vec3b i j do something with BGR values... Here.. foo.rows i for int j 0 j foo.cols j Vec3b bgrPixel foo.at Vec3b i j do something with BGR values... Here is the documentation.. something with BGR values... Here is the documentation for Vec3b. Hope that helps Also don't forget OpenCV stores things internally..
Accessing pixel values OpenCV 2.3 - C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8139098/accessing-pixel-values-opencv-2-3-c for a F64C4 image of course . In your case you need a cv Vec3b which is a typedef for cv Vec uchar 3 Vec3b col I.at Vec3b i.. you need a cv Vec3b which is a typedef for cv Vec uchar 3 Vec3b col I.at Vec3b i j You can then convert this into a cv Scalar.. Vec3b which is a typedef for cv Vec uchar 3 Vec3b col I.at Vec3b i j You can then convert this into a cv Scalar if you really..
Multi-Dimensional data in a Matrix in OpenCV with C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8809517/multi-dimensional-data-in-a-matrix-in-opencv-with-c check it. CV_Assert image.type CV_8UC3 MatConstIterator_ Vec3b it image.begin Vec3b it_end image.end Vec3b for it it_end.. image.type CV_8UC3 MatConstIterator_ Vec3b it image.begin Vec3b it_end image.end Vec3b for it it_end it const Vec3b pix it.. Vec3b it image.begin Vec3b it_end image.end Vec3b for it it_end it const Vec3b pix it hist.at float pix 0 N 256..
Accessing certain pixel RGB value in openCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8932893/accessing-certain-pixel-rgb-value-in-opencv the following cv Mat image ...do some stuff... image.at cv Vec3b y x gives you the RGB it might be ordered as BGR vector of type.. you the RGB it might be ordered as BGR vector of type cv Vec3b image.at cv Vec3b y x 0 newval 0 image.at cv Vec3b y x 1 newval.. be ordered as BGR vector of type cv Vec3b image.at cv Vec3b y x 0 newval 0 image.at cv Vec3b y x 1 newval 1 image.at cv..