c++ Programming Glossary: vec2
GCC, stringification, and inline GLSL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13872544/gcc-stringification-and-inline-glsl A #A const GLchar vert STRINGIFY #version 120 n attribute vec2 position void main gl_Position vec4 position 0.0 1.0 This builds.. per line quotes const GLchar vert #version 120 n attribute vec2 position void main gl_Position vec4 position 0.0 1.0 ...and.. continuation const GLchar vert #version 120 n attribute vec2 position void main gl_Position vec4 position 0.0 1.0 ..
object loader in opengl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14887012/object-loader-in-opengl std using namespace glm struct Vertex vec3 position vec2 texcoord vec3 normal struct VertRef VertRef int v int vt int.. vert vert.position vec3 positions p j v vert.texcoord vec2 texcoords p j vt vert.normal p j vn 0 normals p j vn faceNormal.. faceNormal verts.push_back vert return verts int btn ivec2 startMouse ivec2 startRot curRot ivec2 startTrans curTrans void..
So can unique_ptr be used safely in stl collections? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2876641/so-can-unique-ptr-be-used-safely-in-stl-collections std vector unique_t vector_t vector_t vec1 fine vector_t vec2 5 unique_t new Foo Error Copy vector_t vec3 vec1.begin vec1.end.. Operator std copy vec1.begin vec1.end std back_inserter vec2 Error copy So you can use unique_ptr in a container unlike auto_ptr..
Split a string into words by multiple delimiters in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7621727/split-a-string-into-words-by-multiple-delimiters-in-c
Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao ); http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8302625/segmentation-fault-at-glgenvertexarrays-1-vao point4 points NumVertices color4 quad_colors NumVertices vec2 tex_coords NumVertices Array of rotation angles in degrees for.. Index colors a points Index vertices a tex_coords Index vec2 0.0 0.0 Index quad_colors Index colors a points Index vertices.. Index colors a points Index vertices b tex_coords Index vec2 0.0 1.0 Index quad_colors Index colors a points Index vertices..
Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8977489/problems-converting-yv12-to-rgb-through-glsl 0.3 0.4 1.0 static const char p_s_vertex_shader varying vec2 t void main t gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy gl_Position ftransform.. #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle enable n varying vec2 t uniform sampler2DRect tex void main vec2 tcEven vec2 floor.. n varying vec2 t uniform sampler2DRect tex void main vec2 tcEven vec2 floor t.x .5 2.0 t.y vec2 tcOdd vec2 tcEven.x 1.0..
Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9011108/image-scaling-keepaspectratiobyexpanding-through-opengl float ImgHeight chromaHeight_Half chromaWidth void main vec2 t gl_TexCoord 0 .xy get texcoord from fixed function pipeline.. chromaWidth floor mod t.y 2.0 float Cb texture2DRect tex vec2 CbCrX CbY .x .5 float Cr texture2DRect tex vec2 CbCrX CrY .x.. tex vec2 CbCrX CbY .x .5 float Cr texture2DRect tex vec2 CbCrX CrY .x .5 float y texture2DRect tex t .x redundant texture..
Howto create combinations of several vectors without hardcoding loops in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1700079/howto-create-combinations-of-several-vectors-without-hardcoding-loops-in-c T Vec1.push_back C Vec1.push_back A vector string Vec2 Vec2.push_back C Vec2.push_back G Vec2.push_back A vector string.. T Vec1.push_back C Vec1.push_back A vector string Vec2 Vec2.push_back C Vec2.push_back G Vec2.push_back A vector string.. C Vec1.push_back A vector string Vec2 Vec2.push_back C Vec2.push_back G Vec2.push_back A vector string Vec3 Vec3.push_back..
How to implement the factory pattern in C++ correctly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5120768/how-to-implement-the-factory-pattern-in-c-correctly and polar coordinates. Obviously I cannot do struct Vec2 Vec2 float x float y Vec2 float angle float magnitude not a.. and polar coordinates. Obviously I cannot do struct Vec2 Vec2 float x float y Vec2 float angle float magnitude not a valid.. Obviously I cannot do struct Vec2 Vec2 float x float y Vec2 float angle float magnitude not a valid overload ... My natural..