c++ Programming Glossary: vc100
C++ / Boost Filesystem - mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1700' doesn't match value '1600' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12398809/c-boost-filesystem-mismatch-detected-for-msc-ver-value-1700-doesnt 6 error LNK1104 cannot open file 'libboost_filesystem vc100 mt gd 1_51.lib' C SOURCE ConsoleApp2 ConsoleApp2 LINK ConsoleApp2..
Boost.Thread throws bad_alloc exception in VS2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2914666/boost-thread-throws-bad-alloc-exception-in-vs2010 Fp Release Client.pch Fa Release Fo Release Fd Release vc100.pdb Gd analyze errorReport queue Linker command line OUT C Documents.. I SophisPal boost 1_43_0 vc10 32 lib libboost_system vc100 mt 1_43.lib I SophisPal boost 1_43_0 vc10 32 lib libboost_date_time.. I SophisPal boost 1_43_0 vc10 32 lib libboost_date_time vc100 mt 1_43.lib I SophisPal boost 1_43_0 vc10 32 lib libboost_regex..
Using Visual Studio project properties effectively for multiple projects and configurations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3502530/using-visual-studio-project-properties-effectively-for-multiple-projects-and-con the solution like naming an output library as mylib vc90 vc100 x86 x64 d .lib without having to do all this for each individual.. vc90 Toolset Toolset Condition ' PlatformToolset ' 'v100' vc100 Toolset PropertyGroup target PropertyGroup TargetName ProjectName..
Why isn't the const qualifier working on pointer members on const objects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5917678/why-isnt-the-const-qualifier-working-on-pointer-members-on-const-objects above yields the following output tested in gcc 4.5.2 and vc100 foo doit const calling mybar1 doit bar doit non const Why calling..
Boost libs building - difference between runtime-link and link options http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7508369/boost-libs-building-difference-between-runtime-link-and-link-options options complete it produced these files 1 boost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.dll Import library boost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.lib 2 libboost_regex.. 1 boost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.dll Import library boost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.lib 2 libboost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.lib 3 libboost_regex.. library boost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.lib 2 libboost_regex vc100 mt 1_47.lib 3 libboost_regex vc100 mt s 1_47.lib 4 libboost_regex..