c++ Programming Glossary: supplied
How to make generic computations over heterogeneous argument packs of a variadic template function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14261183/how-to-make-generic-computations-over-heterogeneous-argument-packs-of-a-variadic of a pack and pass each argument in input to some client supplied functor of course the functor must have a generic call operator..
Downloading and integrating Qt5 with Visual Studio 2012 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15826893/downloading-and-integrating-qt5-with-visual-studio-2012 bit build of Qt is used and platform does not need to be supplied at the command line EVEN if you have previous versions of VS..
Virtual Webcam Driver http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1627448/virtual-webcam-driver or UVC compatible. For both there are built in drivers supplied by windows. How to write a software source device You have to.. to try out filters are GraphEdit and AMCap which are supplied in the Plattform SDK. Some code #include InitGuid.h #include..
Loading a dll from a dll? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2674736/loading-a-dll-from-a-dll objects and static fields construct_globals Call user supplied DllMain and get from it the return code ret DllMain hinstDLL.. lpvReserved break case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH Call user supplied DllMain and get from it the return code ret DllMain hinstDLL.. for thread local objects construct_TLS_globals Call user supplied DllMain and get from it the return code ret DllMain hinstDLL..
parsing of date/time from string (boost?) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3786201/parsing-of-date-time-from-string-boost would be nice but necessary. The strings are user supplied and can be malformed. Examples 2004 03 21 12 45 33 I consider..
Does the C++ standard mandate poor performance for iostreams, or am I just dealing with a poor implementation? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4340396/does-the-c-standard-mandate-poor-performance-for-iostreams-or-am-i-just-deali formatted I O if iostreams can't keep the disk controller supplied with raw data how can they possibly keep up when they are responsible..
Legality of using operator delete on a pointer obtained from placement new http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4418220/legality-of-using-operator-delete-on-a-pointer-obtained-from-placement-new at basic.stc.dynamic.deallocation p3 Otherwise the value supplied to operator delete void in the standard library shall be one.. const std nothrow_t in the standard library and the value supplied to operator delete void in the standard library shall be one..
Android NDK R5 and support of C++ exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4663291/android-ndk-r5-and-support-of-c-exception in the presence of RTTI or exceptions. The STLport supplied is not usable together with exceptions or RTTI. Note that it..
App does not run with VS 2008 SP1 DLLs, previous version works with RTM versions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/59635/app-does-not-run-with-vs-2008-sp1-dlls-previous-version-works-with-rtm-versions
Using stdlib's rand() from multiple threads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6161322/using-stdlibs-rand-from-multiple-threads this state must be made explicit. The function rand_r is supplied with a pointer to an unsigned int to be used as state. This..
Is this C++11 regex error me or the compiler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8060025/is-this-c11-regex-error-me-or-the-compiler that's been fixed in 4.6.2 EDIT Joachim Pileborg has supplied a partial solution using an extra regex_constants parameter..
C++ class member function callback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8079453/c-class-member-function-callback double a do something... int main int n 1 The UDF to be supplied is myUDF externalFunction n myUDF The UDF is the classUDF member..
Why is strncpy insecure? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/869883/why-is-strncpy-insecure correctSize 1 number of characters copied is based on user supplied value strncpy buffer argv 3 incorrectSize The principle here..
How to use typelists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/901907/how-to-use-typelists another concept from Modern C design with the arguments supplied in a tupe yet another one with the typelist that defines types..