c++ Programming Glossary: sum2
Find two missing numbers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10218791/find-two-missing-numbers second stream do the same thing for two different values sum2 and sq_sum2. Now do the following maths sum sum2 a b sq_sum.. do the same thing for two different values sum2 and sq_sum2. Now do the following maths sum sum2 a b sq_sum sq_sum2 a^2.. values sum2 and sq_sum2. Now do the following maths sum sum2 a b sq_sum sq_sum2 a^2 b^2 a b a b a^2 b^2 2ab a b a b a^2 b^2..
c++ 2d array access speed changes based on [a][b] order? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13093155/c-2d-array-access-speed-changes-based-on-ab-order very quickly however is the above line sum1... is modified sum2 matrix col row As I did once on accident without realizing it..
how to achieve 4 FLOPs per cycle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8389648/how-to-achieve-4-flops-per-cycle otherwise compiler might optimise away double sum1 0.1 sum2 0.1 sum3 0.2 sum4 0.2 sum5 0.0 double mul1 1.0 mul2 1.1 mul3.. ops inside the loop double expected 5.0 add loops sum1 sum2 sum3 sum4 sum5 pow mul loops mul1 mul2 mul3 mul4 mul5 for int.. i mul1 mul mul2 mul mul3 mul mul4 mul mul5 mul sum1 add sum2 add sum3 add sum4 add sum5 add return sum1 sum2 sum3 sum4 sum5..