c++ Programming Glossary: succeeds
Deterministic builds under Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1180852/deterministic-builds-under-windows of a rogue file lock. At least creating new root always succeeds while there is space left. Running multiple builds at once is..
c++ fastest way to read only last line of text file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11876290/c-fastest-way-to-read-only-last-line-of-text-file Display it fin.close return 0 And below is a test file. It succeeds with empty one line and multi line data in the text file. This..
Why are redundant scope qualifications supported by the compiler, and is it legal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12135498/why-are-redundant-scope-qualifications-supported-by-the-compiler-and-is-it-lega without complaint class A A A A A ^^^ Note that this also succeeds for methods although it is flagged when the declaration is over..
C++ : handle resources if constructors may throw exceptions (Reference to FAQ 17.4] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1230423/c-handle-resources-if-constructors-may-throw-exceptions-reference-to-faq-17 for the pointer is guaranteed to be freed. If the call succeeds and the constructor throws after that you will have a memory..
Why am I able to make a function call using an invalid class pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1524312/why-am-i-able-to-make-a-function-call-using-an-invalid-class-pointer to some other languages. The reason your call to func2 succeeds is that it doesn't touch its this pointer. The pointer value..
private inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1576978/private-inheritance casts but no C cast actually ignores visibility and thus succeeds in casting your Derived pointer to Base Base bPtr Base new Derived..
Is there a way to test whether a C++ class has a default constructor (other than compiler-provided type traits)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2733377/is-there-a-way-to-test-whether-a-c-class-has-a-default-constructor-other-than of the substitution process. Consequently when deduction succeeds an access error could still result when the function is instantiated...
When should static_cast, dynamic_cast and reinterpret_cast be used? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/332030/when-should-static-cast-dynamic-cast-and-reinterpret-cast-be-used style cast is defined as the first of the following which succeeds const_cast static_cast static_cast then const_cast reinterpret_cast..
How do I use arrays in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4810664/how-do-i-use-arrays-in-c an assignment from a pointer to a pointer which trivially succeeds. On the second line it detects an assignment from an array to..
Calculating and printing factorial at compile time in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4977715/calculating-and-printing-factorial-at-compile-time-in-c attempt. It doesn't give any error hence the compilation succeeds with one warning. template int factorial struct _ operator char..
Overloading operator new for a class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5406199/overloading-operator-new-for-a-class how does compiler ensure this call to new member function succeeds c operator overloading new operator share improve this question..
How does weak_ptr work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5671241/how-does-weak-ptr-work checks the use count and if it's 0 increments it. If that succeeds you get your shared_ptr . If the use count was already zero..
Isn't the template argument (the signature) of std::function part of its type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5931214/isnt-the-template-argument-the-signature-of-stdfunction-part-of-its-type a template that takes anything the conversion naturally succeeds. Now it tries the same with the second overload. The constructor..
Different template syntax for finding if argument is a class or not http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6543652/different-template-syntax-for-finding-if-argument-is-a-class-or-not 1 Choosing the partial specialization below if the test succeeds. Line 2 int T is only valid if T is a class type as it denotes..
How should I write ISO C++ Standard conformant custom new and delete operators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7194127/how-should-i-write-iso-c-standard-conformant-custom-new-and-delete-operators requested is zero the request can fail. If the request succeeds the value returned shall be a non null pointer value 4.10 p0.. the handler should either ensure that the next allocation succeeds or register another handler or register no handler or not return..
Why can template instances not be deduced in `std::reference_wrapper`s? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8513050/why-can-template-instances-not-be-deduced-in-stdreference-wrappers
(C/C++) return EXIT_SUCCESS or 0 from main? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8867871/c-c-return-exit-success-or-0-from-main fails then you might as well use EXIT_SUCCESS when it succeeds just for the sake of symmetry. On the other hand if the program..