c++ Programming Glossary: subtype
Covariance and contravariance in programming languages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1163465/covariance-and-contravariance-in-programming-languages of type T for some T . List would be covariant if S is a subtype of T iff List S is a subtype of List T Where I'm using the mathematical.. would be covariant if S is a subtype of T iff List S is a subtype of List T Where I'm using the mathematical definition iff to..
How std::function works http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14936539/how-stdfunction-works type erasure technique . One possibility is to use mix subtype polymorphism with templates. Here's a simplified version just..
C++: How to require that one template type is derived from the other http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2631585/c-how-to-require-that-one-template-type-is-derived-from-the-other I could enforce that R1 and R2 must have a supertype or subtype relation That is I'd like to allow either R1 to be derived from..
Method resolution order in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3310910/method-resolution-order-in-c inheritance virtual and non virtual each class is a subtype of Object some of them override foo some don't a class X from..
How to test whether class B is derived from class A? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4532281/how-to-test-whether-class-b-is-derived-from-class-a
Why Java, C# and C++ don't have ranges? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491199/why-java-c-sharp-and-c-dont-have-ranges Pascal and many other languages support ranges a way to subtype integers. A range is a signed integer value which ranges from.. used for different purpose iterators enumerators integer subtype I would focus on the latter because the formers are easily mappable..
Looking for an easy way to reinitialize a struct http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6684968/looking-for-an-easy-way-to-reinitialize-a-struct CoolStruct struct CoolStruct int id uint32 type uint32 subtype String name I have a vector of these structs as well std vector.. of the struct t.id whatever t.type somethingelse t.subtype thisisalotofcode t.name justtosetupthisvector coolVector.push_back..
Programmatically get processor details from Mac OS X http://stackoverflow.com/questions/853798/programmatically-get-processor-details-from-mac-os-x . This will return a structure containing cpu type and subtype codes along with C string names and descriptions. If that doesn't..